Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Birthday :)

My birthday (June 5) fell on a Tuesday. The Saturday before, we received a package in the mail from Mamaw & Papaw with a gift for me (THANKS!) and the outfit below for Ryan. It said "Beach Hunk: Local Cutie on Duty."
On Sunday, Mamaw watched the boys so Shawn & I could do a late lunch/early dinner. We ended up at the Cove near our house because it was the only place relatively close that was open and offered outdoor dining. We went at such an odd hour that we got right in and we were able to sit overlooking the water. And while it was the dirty Conestoga, it was still a lovely afternoon. I love my kids, but I also adore time with just me and my hubby! Mamaw left her bag of gifts behind and told me to wait until Tuesday to open them. The boys kept wanting to peak in the bag, but I insisted we wait.
Daddy took the boys to pick out gifts for me while I was teaching Monday night. When I got home after 10 (when this class ends), Caleb heard the door close and came out of his bed to greet me. He is a night owl! He said "Mommy! Mommy! We have gifts hiding for you underneath your bed! Here let's get them." Shawn scolded him while I cracked up! Joshua picked one place that Mommy wouldn't think to look for her gifts, and Caleb was about to take them out for me the night before. Such sweet innocence! I told him to wait until the morning, but I was just as happy at his excitement as the gifts themselves. :)
In the morning, Joshua came in before the crack of dawn and suggested getting the gifts out immediately. I smiled at their excitement. Joshua had picked out a magnifying glass to find bugs with, and Caleb had picked out a device that was supposed to launch cars and an airplane (although it didn't seem to work). Ryan had picked out a puzzle for us to do together. Love kiddo gifts! Shawn bought breakfast sandwiches for us and an unsweetened iced tea for me to enjoy before he left for work. We met him for a brief lunch that afternoon after the gym.
Unfortunately, our babysitter had a death in the family so our plans for the night got a little foiled. But, we ended up going as a family to Red Robin. The boys eat well, and I enjoy the food. I wore the dress Mom had bought me for my 30th birthday and I was excited to fit into it again. The boys did relatively well, and my sandwich was free for my birthday. After the kids were in bed that night, Shawn gave me some roses and gifts he had gotten me, including new running shoes that I desperately needed. :) It had been a relatively average day, but I so appreciate all the effort Shawn & the boys put into the day. The only thing that would have made it better is even more time together. :)

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