Wednesday, June 6, 2012


On Wednesday, June 6, we met Grandpa Georgia at 7:30 am at Oregon Dairy Restaurant. I got up before 6 am that morning, so I had accomplished quite a few things before leaving the house, including my hair and make-up (joking with him about having a "reputation" to live up to since his girlfriend said that I probably don't look unkempt even in my own house).

Even though they're not good for you, Oregon Dairy pancakes are out of this world with their brown butter syrup! Yum! The older boys ate really well (each having a donut, a bag of teddy grahams, half a pancake, a slice of bacon and one slice of Grandpa's toast). Ryan also ate well for him, eating some of my pancakes, most of his teddy grahams and fruit. Some of the folks were gaga over Ryan and others weren't too sure they wanted to sit near kids, which is typical of an older person restaurant. The boys were well-behaved, though.
We played tic tac toe before our food came, and Joshua is getting better and better at playing. I let him win the first one, but he was fine when we tied and even when I won one; and he did a great job of blocking, etc. Caleb decided it looked fun and asked Grandpa to play. The first time Dad blocked Caleb from winning, Caleb almost burst into tears and called him a cheater. Haaa!!! We seriously roared. Most times Caleb is so easygoing so to see him get so offended right off the bat seemed out of place and comical.

After breakfast, we went to the outdoor playground and the kids had a blast playing all by themselves out there. They slid down the slides, enjoyed the swings and even went across the monkey bars (with help).

When we left there, I stopped at home to print out a coupon and then we headed to the mall for Ryan's one-year pictures. After they were done, I told them that they could have some special play time at the indoor playground. There were only two other families there, both having kids almost identical ages to our kiddos. There were two one-year olds and a couple older boys that looked to be about Joshua's size. They all had fun together. Ryan highly enjoyed getting to play, too. He's getting so big!

Eventually it was time to go home, but I said yes to getting the boys their favorite "King Burger" for lunch since they had been good. It had been a super fun morning, and after naps I took the kiddos to the gym for them to play while I worked out and Daddy mowed the yard. When we got home, Ryan "helped" me sweep inside the house while the boys "helped" Daddy clean up the trimmings from the bushes out front. The neighbor boys stopped over seeing our kids out, and Joshua LOVED playing with a boy named Grant from across the street. This boy is WAY older than our kids, but he played so sweetly with them. Shawn & I were impressed with him and how he acted with our boys. They had a blast together. It was a fun summer day.

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