Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy 69-month birthday, Joshua!

Joshua is growing and maturing each month, and I often feel like I miss recording some of the special moments we have together just because we're busy living them. But, he is becoming a really neat kid. As we were walking today, I told him the importance of staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water. He said "But, that's not the most important thing, right?" I asked him what he thought was most important and his answer was "to worship God." You got it, buddy! That's exactly right!

I can hear a difference in Joshua's reading each month, too. He read "I am a Puppy" to Ryan the other day, and there were very few words I had to help him sound out. Most of them he either knew on sight or could sound out himself.

One thing we've been doing together each morning is a children's devotional. Joshua was given it when he was a baby and didn't really understand it then. But now as we read it together, I can tell he's soaking in the stories by the way he answers the questions presented at the end. Each one is on a different animal and there's a Bible lesson and verse that goes along with it. The one the boys enjoyed most I think was on working hard like ants. But, Joshua also enjoyed the one on the whales singing (and how we are to praise God) and the one on rattlesnakes (how we are to take precaution and avoid danger). One of my favorites was this morning's on how rhinos are friends with little birds and they help each other, the larger animal carrying the smaller one but the smaller one giving warnings of danger and also helping the larger one by eating the small pests that would otherwise live on it. It talked about how to be a good friend and gave the Bible verse "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Joshua in particular has loved starting each morning with these, and he often is the one who brings the book to me once the boys are dressed.

Joshua enjoys learning new things and is a little sponge these days. He remembers our lesson on healthy eating and tries to apply it. He is doing great at the Little Ninjas and follows the rules in games we play. I can just tell a difference in how he behaves that he's getting older.
 My oldest little man is still an early riser but goes to sleep well at night. He rarely naps but still has some quiet time in the afternoons. I think he needs it.
Please continue to pray for Joshua as he grows and especially for his teeth! I hate to see him go through another surgery and lose yet another tooth. Please pray that his adult teeth are healthy and his smile isn't affected. How I enjoy seeing his chipper face! Happy 69-month birthday, Joshua!

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