Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy 9-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan turned 9-months today, Wednesday, March 7. It sounds so old to say 9-months - he's nearing that year old mark far too quickly for the mama!
Ryan got another new tooth (on the bottom right, next to his too front bottom teeth) on 2/29. So, by 9 months he had seven of his teeth.
Ryan is crawling now. He's not real fast and it's more of an army crawl, but if he sees something that intrigues him, he goes for it. The other day, Shawn was putting on his sneakers for the gym, and he dove for them by pulling himself across the floor. He sometimes is up on his hands and knees, but for the most part, he's dragging his belly and pushing off with his feet but using his arms primarily.
Ryan will pull up to his knees when he grabs on to something (like the crib or recently our filing cabinet) and if he has a good grip on our hands, he's comfortable enough to pull up to standing. But he's got to be pretty sure he won't fall over before attempting it.
My little man grabs EVERYTHING! We say he's a grabby little Schnook. When I'm filling out their name tags at the gym, he will grab every pen, paper, clock and even basket of other name tags within his reach. I don't remember the other kids grabbing quite as quickly or as often, but it could be my memory or the fact that I'm a couple years older now. Whew! He keeps me on my toes!
I see so many developmental changes within this past month. When we read the book at night before bed "Kiss Good Night," he will look at me right when it's time for the mama bear to kiss the baby bear (which is usually when I lean down to give him a kiss. He now knows the page and will respond accordingly when we're at the right spot in the book. I think it's absolutely adorable. Likewise, when I make a noise, he will make a similar noise. We will go back and forth. Lately, it sounds like he's telling me when he has to burp as he's eating. He'll stop and say "b-b-b" and when I sit him up, sure enough he burps. But, he doesn't make those sounds if he's just done or not hungry. It's interesting to listen to. I think he says ma-ma-ma (but I don't know if he's saying me - Mama - or more).
Ryan cries when I leave him at the gym. He doesn't usually do that for Bible study, but it's not quite as busy of a place and he's been going there since he was four months old. If he even hears my voice, he starts to wail for me, but normally he's pretty easy going. Shawn will often say how easy he is, and I completely agree. He's fairly easy to read (rubbing his nose when he's tired, he has a cry for when he's hungry, etc) and he's relatively easy to please. He likes to play with things, so we just have to make sure the older boys don't have toys that are too small to have within his grasp as he puts everything in his mouth. When I picked him up from the gym the other day, one of the workers said "he's adorable - I just love his laugh." It's true - he has the cutest laugh. He gulps in air afterward that says almost like "revenge of the nerds" and it is so hysterical to listen to that you can't help but joining in the laughter. He has the sweetest little personality.

Ryan can pick up and eat Cheerios and puffs well, so we've started a few other little thinks like cooked carrots, bananas (which he simply mashed up everywhere all over himself) and a few tiny cut strawberries. He's probably a little behind on eating solids, more because we haven't really pushed it than because he's behind. We don't want to rush anything with our last baby, and we don't want him to choke. But, we'll be progressing more into foods this month I'm sure. His well-visit is next week, and I'm anxious to hear what the doctor has to say regarding his weight (he has such gi-normous thunder thighs) and eating. I think he's healthy, and I praise God for it. We love our little Schnook-a-pants!

Happy 9-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

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