Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can't Stand Ya!

If you are Seinfeld lovers like us, you'll remember the post with George's gym teacher mispronouncing his last name and saying it really mean "Can't STAND ya!" Haaa!!! We still giggle at the thought of it. This post title is about standing, though. When I went into Ryan's room on Thursday, March 22, he was standing up in the crib for the first time. Caleb thought it was great that little Ryan was standing up, so he climbed up to say hello!
That weekend, Shawn lowered the crib to its lowest setting. I can't believe Ryan is old enough to need this already! He's standing very well - can't have him climbing out!
I really think Ryan has started to say a few words. His first word was "burp" which started in February. He'd say "bup" in the middle of nursing, and when he did, if I'd sit him up, he'd belch. Other times he'd stop nursing and I'd try to get him to burp with no avail. I wasn't sure if that's what he was saying at first, but the more I tested the theory, the more it seemed to work. He'd say "bup" and bup he did! Shawn witnessed it, too. The next word that Ryan seemed to say was "poop." With his illness and diarrhea from the antibiotics, he was going fairly often. He'd say "pup" and I'd check and sure enough, his diapy was loaded. Shawn was appalled - "can't he say something other than bodily functions?" I guess at his age, these are things that are on his mind. I was checking him often, but I'm sure his little rear was raw even with my using the Desitin so it was probably nice when I changed and cleaned him up. My little Ry-guy is also saying "mom-mom-mom" with consistency. Recently at Study & Share, the worker noted that most kids his age are saying "dada" so his "mama" is sweet to hear. :) :) :) I agree! And I agree with Shawn that we'll work on more words that have nothing to do with the body. But, for now, he's talking away, I'm only understanding a few of them. :) And he's standing but not walking yet but gets around just fine crawling for now. :)

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