Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cryin' Ryan

Ryan had his well-check at Roseville Pediatrics on Wednesday, March 14, with Dr. Zehr. I was surprised by his stats, which were:

     Height: 28.25" - 47.57%
     Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz - 24.54%
     BMI: 16.85 kg/m2
     Head Circ: 16.97" - 3.72%

First, his weight percentage has really dropped. :( :( :( He hasn't been eating well, but he had started with a runny nose again and I think he struggles when he's congested. But, is it reflux? Is it that I'm working out and using those fluids he needs? I'm terribly concerned. But, the doctor said that this is an age where babies are expected to start thinning out because they are becoming more active. So, I try not to worry about him. He looks so big to us, but he's really not. She commented that his head is really small and that it must run in the family. I laughed because they always said the opposite for Joshua. Strange how each child is different!

We talked about Ryan's reflux medication and she increased the dosage just to make sure that he's not struggling with it. She also asked lots of questions related to Ryan's growth - can he switch toys in between hands, is he saying hard sounds, is he crawling, is he waving hi and bye yet? I was able to answer yes to all but the waving, and she said that that normally happens between 9 and 12 months, so he's still "on target" if he's not doing that yet. She said he looked healthy overall!

Well, healthy didn't last long. Today, March 20, I took him back into the pediatrician. He's had diarrhea for almost five full days. And, along with his cold symptoms, last night he spiked a fever of over 102 degrees and this morning he was really wheezing and struggling to breath. This time we saw Dr. Ammons. Ryan's weight has dropped since our last appointment. He now weighs 18 lbs 10 oz (15.71%), which she attributed to his appetite from the cold as well as the diarrhea. She did say the diarrhea could have come on from the antibiotics I was taking for strep. But, he also has an ear infection in his left ear and fluid on the right ear, and she heard the wheezing in his lungs that she said is bronchitis.

She prescribed antibiotics for him, and she told us to buy some cultural to mix with his food while he's on the antibiotic to help him with the diarrhea. She told me to come back if his breathing would get worse or if the diarrhea would get any worse. Hopefully the medication clears him all up. I hate to see him suffer! He was so pitiful this morning! I'm also hoping he starts eating and is a healthy weight for him. Please pray for him!

I asked if her if he's contagious and she said he wouldn't be at this point. Children are most contagious at the onset of their cold, and since he's had it 10 days or more, he's no longer a threat to others. She also said that most of the children in Lancaster County have it already. I said we just joined the gym and I'm guessing that's where he got it. She smiled and said she just joined there as well. She thinks it's gone through there and everywhere.

Please pray for little Ryan! I haven't taken him anywhere for several days in hopes to help him rest and to not spread any germs. Pray that his ears are healthy and that his diarrhea goes away and that he's 100% back to his normal self ASAP!

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