Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cool Calvary Crafts

Joshua's preschool class has done some really impressive crafts this year (in my opinion). I was just saying to Shawn how glad I am that Joshua is going to Kindergarten this year rather than last year. He has really blossomed this year. His artwork is SO much better. He colors inside the lines for the most part, he can draw pictures and you can tell what they are, and I'm continually impressed by how well he's doing.
This first craft is of an alligator. I loved it! Shawn & the boys play a game called chompers often where they run the circle of our first floor. Now Joshua had something to chomp with. There are two paper plates that are stapled together. There are circles in it cut for fingers to make it chomp. On the inside, he draw the tongue and the green skin, leaving the teeth that he cut out. The eyes are on top. I thought it was SO cute! He loved it. I think we'll have to try this one again with all the boys, maybe next year.
For the reptile days, he also created this turtle in the picture above. :)
The hand print and finger print flag was a cute idea. But, I love it even more because it reminds me of the day I went in to help in the classroom. I was surprised to hear them say the pledge of allegiance to the flag. He knows it by heart! That really makes me feel like he's a kid ready for school. Where did my baby go?
The week that they talked about groundhogs seeing their shadow, they made their shadows. I remember doing this in kindergarten! We had it for a long time, I remember. How crazy is that?!?! I truly remember bits and pieces of his age. We are creating real memories for him these days. I know he won't remember everything, but there are some things that he will take with him for the rest of his life. How I hope they are good things!
And finally, I loved this little puppet that he actually made during Sunday School. I liked it because he told Caleb that he made it for him. It's a puppet of himself. The boys often will tell each other that they made crafts for each other, because they think the other one's craft is so neat that they made. Caleb created one during Study & Share of a basket of loaves and fishes from that story in the Bible where Jesus took a little and turned it into a whole lot. Joshua liked it so much that Caleb gave it to him. Same with his Moses in the basket. And one with a little wallet of fake money (not sure what the Bible lesson was that day!). But, they will share their crafts with each other saying "Here, I made this for you." And the other will say "THANKS! I love it!" Wonder where they hear that from? I love that they share and enjoy each other so much. They are "Good" brothers. :) :) :)

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