Thursday, June 30, 2011


Grandpa Georgia has stopped in a couple times within the past couple weeks to bring us treasures from yard sales or stores he's been to and found good deals at. The one item he bought the kids were foam airplanes that you put together and can decorate and then fly in the back yard. They LOVED them! But, they didn't last long being foam and they are heart broken that their planes can't be fixed by Daddy's glue anymore.

Another 'treasure' he found was the above puzzle. Caleb & I started working on it (even though it says for ages 5-8) on Sunday morning. I told him to sort the pieces with edges in one pile and no edges in another. Then I told him to make piles of similar colors (while I was feeding the baby). Once Ryan was finished eating, I sat down and we started putting it together. Soon Daddy joined us and so did Joshua. Caleb liked sorting more than trying to fit small pieces together. But, we finished it as a family. :)

Dad had a little piggy bank for Ryan and knew that the older boys wouldn't understand why he was getting something and they weren't, so he picked them up some things, which they enjoyed. Joshua told him that they're still in the "best buddies" club, which girls can't join until 10 am (Joshua's rule for the club since Grandpa Georgia said 'no girls in the boys club').

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