Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The last month Caleb will ever be 2 years old!

On Wednesday, June 8, Caleb celebrated his 35-month birthday. I look at our middle son, and I wonder how he got so big so fast! We keep calling Ryan "Caleb Luke" because he was the last baby we held. And while he seemed so small to us before, he seems downright huge to us now! He eats well, he's potty trained, he can dress himself, he can latch his own car seat, and he enjoys things that he can do himself. He also knows all his letters and numbers and he's beginning to write already. And I wonder, where did my last baby go? Oh, how I'm enjoying him as a toddler. But, even that is starting to fade as he is growing into more of a big kid preschooler.
The day of his milestone, we were in the hospital. But he came in to visit us with Mamaw & Joshua. So, we got these pictures of him in our room on the actual day. I'll admit that I don't think Caleb was too sure about having a baby at first. He didn't seem extremely interested in the hospital. Instead, he was concerned about me lying in bed and wanting to come up to hug me (which I wouldn't allow because I was in so much pain in my abdomen that I feared getting stepped on or kicked). So, I would assure him that I was okay and hold his hand or give him kisses while he remained on the ground. Then, he wanted to sit at the special "snack seat" that Daddy created. He fed them crackers and an apple he had bought at the store for himself. They loved it! Then Daddy would take them to the playground that was there, which was fantastic!
The first day we came home, Caleb was sad. Really sad. Sad enough that I cried. He's finding his new role in the family now. He's no longer the littlest baby, and he has to share our attention now. He was SO happy to see us come home. But, he was also awakened in the middle of the night by a little guy who just won't sleep. He's adjusting now, though. He likes to tickle Ryan's toes and sing "twinkle, twinkle little star" (because I told Caleb that his brother likes when he sings that song to him). Hearing Caleb sing is so precious to me! I LOVE when he sings songs in his sweet little voice!
One of my favorite things about Caleb is his voice. I know it will change over the years, but it is honestly one of the sweetest things about him. It is so soft and gentle. Caleb is also extremely athletic. He can jump and land to the point that it amazes us; he can catch balls and we can just see his strength and ability already. It will be interesting to watch him grow and see how this takes shape. Caleb is also very sweet and loving. I love that my kids are gentle and kind. He loves to be read to, and he loves to color.
One thing he's done lately is said "WHAT?!?!" to anything we say. At first we repeat until we realize he's playing his little game. He thinks it's hysterical. There are times that we can't help but laugh with him! Daddy was telling him to clean up the office before the baby was coming, and instead of picking up his construction 'Bob the Builder' hat, he bent down and put it on his head from the ground and brought it up. While he wasn't moving very fast and had been given other orders, we all cracked up at his silliness! He has such a sense of humor already! Sometimes it keeps him out of trouble.

There's more I could write about my little Caleb Luke, but alas, I must nap as my kids nap since I'm not getting much sleep at night these days. I'm so sad to think my Caleb is turning three already, but I'm so proud of the little boy he's becoming. He is my sunshine! :) Happy 35-months, buddy!

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