Monday, June 27, 2011

Ryan's First Bath(s)

 Ryan got a bath in the nursery on his second day of life besides the wipe off when he was first born. He first sponge bath (since his cord was still attached) was when he turned exactly one week old on Tuesday, June 14. He was NOT a big fan! Here he is afterwards with his diaper on, ready for jammies.
 He was happier once he was dressed.
His cord finally fell off on Monday, June 20. So, on his two week birthday, he got his first bath in the baby tub inside of our bath tub. Once again, he didn't enjoy it too much. But, Daddy gets in and holds him while I quickly wash him and rinse him, so it's a very fast process. You'll enjoy it more, buddy, once you can play!
After Ryan was done, Joshua & Caleb got into the tub. They enjoy playing with their stacker cups and boats and all sorts of other toys in the tub. Joshua still hates to get his head wet. Caleb doesn't care, but if Joshua really protests, then he follows big brother's lead in protesting.  With summer upon us, the boys are outside (and therefore dirty and sweaty) so bath time has become almost a nightly event for the older two. In the winter we don't bathe the boys as often, especially since Caleb's skin is so sensitive and so dry. He's struggling right now with his skin, too, in the heat - please pray for him! But, they LOVE their outdoor time. :) Praise God for sun! And for our sons!

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