Monday, June 20, 2011

Ryan's First Doctor's Visit

On Monday, June 13, Ryan had his first appointment at the pediatrician's office. We saw Dr. Kernan at 1:50 pm. She was also the doctor who released Ryan from the hospital on Saturday, and we really like her. Mamaw was here to help with the boys that day (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) and Shawn agreed to come home over lunch to drop the baby & me off at the doctor's office. But, he decided to stay since it didn't take long - that way Mom didn't need to wake the boys from their naps to come pick me up (since I'm not allowed to drive for a few weeks post-op). I was thankful Shawn took a long lunch to be there for the appointment - our other boys needed their rest!
Ryan's stats for his first appointment were as follows:
  • Height: 19.5" (27.44%) - this is shorter than he was measured at birth, but the doctor said that's normal
  • Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz (25.86%) - this is less than when he was born but more than the 7 lbs 3 oz he hit when we were in the hospital, so she noted that he's growing well
  • BMI: 13.64
  • Head Circumference: 13.5' (15.21%)
 Dr. Kernan answered our questions and gave us a sheet of tips on things like preventing exhaustion in new moms and how to take care of babies, etc. She told us to start the Polyvisol multivitamins and to schedule another weight check for the following week and then a 1-month and 2-month check-up.

So, we took Ryan back today. This time the appointment was at 9:50 am with Dr. Noori. He weighed 8 lbs even (30.15%). So, they said he's growing just fine and I don't need to come back until his 1-month check-up. She also answered questions I had about his peeling feet and the roof of his mouth having a white circle in it (which she said was a something-or-other 'pearl' or cluster of white cells, which is totally normal).

Please pray for Ryan's overall health! Caleb has a slight cold, and I'm praying Ryan doesn't get it. Also, pray that he continues to eat well and grow at a normal pace. :)

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