Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yeah, Buddy!

Cousin Jess told us about a website that will print your blog in book form. I finally figured out how to format the pages (which takes a LONG time!), and it costs a small fortune (my first book of years 2006-2007 cost $65 to print with a coupon). But, I was thrilled that I could print out the memories that I've been recording. After all, I haven't done a great job with keeping up with the baby books, but I do try to get many things into the blog when I have time.

Last night after I had spent a couple hours working on the year 2008 (after the boys were in bed), it dawned on me that they may never read these books. The first one was almost 300 pages, and this next one looks to be even longer. Will they ever be interested in what they were doing as a baby enough to read them? Truthfully, I don't know. And then the thought occurred to me that God must feel the same disappointment I felt at that moment. After all, the Book He created for us to read is meant to help us on this journey of life, give us wisdom to make the right choices, and to know Him and grow closer to Him. I've read the entire Bible, but I can't say that I know it all. There's always more to learn!

I hope that some day the boys will want to read about their childhood when they have extra time. But, more than that, I hope that they want to read the Bible everyday, as it is God's inspired Word.

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