Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy 14-month birthday, Caleb!

That Caleb Luke is one of a kind! I love his precious smile in the above picture and those big blue eyes in the picture below are adorable. I think he looks like Shawn with his lips in this bottom picture. Caleb is saying more things these days, including "BITE" when he wants something we're eating, "BOOK" when he wants us to read to him, "EYES" when we're talking about parts of the body, "WOOF" when we see a dog and the typical other things he's been saying. He's learned some parts of the body, including eyes, nose and belly. He also LOVES to see you stick out your tongue and will stick out his in hopes that you'll mimmick it.Maybe someday he'll be a sports broadcaster. All I know is that he is fast and so strong! My little love likes to make a mess and get into everything. He is so curious and prefers when everything is spread out on the floor. Last night when it was time for bed, we were cleaning up the play room as a family and then Caleb starting grabbing the balls out of the bucket one by one and chucking them on the floor.Right now he is REALLY into books and loves to be read to. He also likes to turn the pages and lift the flaps, and sometimes tears them accidentally. He also loves the "hat" game that the Bean & I used to play a lot. (See the cup pictured above - he says something that sounds pretty close to hat, in fact). Caleb LOVES Joshua's desk, much to the Bean's displeasure. Anything Joshua does is extremely cool in Caleb's eyes. He follows him around non-stop and loves when Joshua gives him hugs or puts his arm around him. They are so close! And, of course, they have their moments where they frustrate each other, too, which goes along with brotherhood, I think.I think I've been replaced as Caleb's favorite, though. Just like his brother, Caleb LOVES his dadda. He squeels with delight when he comes home and constantly wants to be held by him, saying "UP" and putting his hands in the air. Once Daddy is home, Momma becomes chop liver. The boys follow him around, and I know Shawn loves it. He makes sure to take time to play with them and give them special attention. So, Caleb eats it up. How I love my little boy! Happy 14-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

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