Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Story in a Biscuit

Caleb's preschool class did the resurrection biscuits this year the Wednesday before Easter. I figured that he wouldn't mind doing them again at home, though, because he LOVES marshmallows. On Saturday morning, April 7, we got our Pillsbury Grands biscuits out along with the butter, cinnamon, sugar and marshmallows for our story time.
It's a little strange to think that this day was also Passover. If we were following the Old Testament Jewish customs, we should have been preparing the lamb that was to be slaughtered, eating bread without yeast and bitter herbs, reminding us of when God saved His chosen people from their Egyptian slave drivers. The destroyer passed over the houses with the lambs' blood on the doorways but killed the firstborn of the Egyptians who didn't worship God. While Jesus' blood saved us once and for all (and thus we don't need to slaughter lambs year after year), I think it's important to reflect on ALL that God did for us, remembering His mighty wonders from the beginning of time. May we not forget His saving grace!
The boys were more of a help this year than years before. I can tell how much they are growing! They helped open the biscuits and put the marshmallows in. Joshua could close his all by himself while I helped Caleb. I put some butter on top, along with sprinkling the cinnamon & sugar as we talked about Jesus on the cross and how they laid His body in a tomb once He had died for our sins. Then they sealed the tomb by rolling a stone over it.
We put the biscuits in the oven according to the temperature and time on the package, checking to make sure they were nice and golden brown before removing them. The boys were excited to proclaim "JESUS IS ALIVE!"

We looked inside the biscuit where Jesus' body should be. But, the marshmallow was missing! Just like when Mary Magdalene first went to the tomb and peaked inside and didn't find Jesus' body. The grave couldn't hold Him, death has lost its sting! "Woman, why are you weeping?" Jesus asked her. After all, the fact that He had risen from the dead is what gives us eternal hope!

Both boys enjoyed their breakfast that morning. They both showed me that their biscuit "tombs" were empty. And later they both enjoyed having marshmallows for snack. :) :) :)

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