Monday, April 2, 2012

Drop Those Eggs!

On Saturday, March 31, we met our friends Chris & Lisa and their daughter Isabella at Grace Church in Lititz for its annual Easter egg hunt. When we arrived, we saw the Easter bunny outside greeting folks, so the kids ran up to give him/her a high-five and get a quick picture before the hunt.
It was a cold morning for how nice the weather had been. Such is life! We bundled the kids up and praised God that it hadn't started pouring yet, although it was dripping and misty already. Ryan waited patiently in the stroller. I'm so thankful he's easygoing!
We headed to the spot for 3-5 year-olds. Next year, our kids will be split again. They all remembered the helicopter and were excited to see it coming!
We didn't have too long to wait, but we figured that we had some time to take some pictures. :)
Here's a very pregnant Lisa and me. Her son is due in the beginning of May, but because of some issues, it sounds like they will induce her toward the end of April if she hasn't gone into labor on her own yet. :) Please pray for the little boy in her womb!
Here are the dads, who had no desire to get up so early on a Saturday but participate so their kids can have fun!
I love my hubby! :)
And here are the Grube's:
We saw the helicopter approaching, but it was a different helicopter than years past. The last couple years, the bottom dropped open and the eggs were evenly distributed on the field. This year, a helicopter flew so low that the medical team rose to their feet, afraid they were going to be needed, and a person ripped open a garbage bag with eggs and tossed them into the oldest kids' section only. There weren't any that came into our kids' area of the field. It was a little disappointing.
Caleb saw a couple eggs by the starting point, and I'm glad he bent down to get them because they were the only eggs he got.
Joshua did a little better at getting a few. And, we knew that we didn't necessarily need a lot of candy so it was fine to get a couple.

When they were done finding the eggs, we had them show us their baskets. :) Then we headed inside to give back the eggs for next years' hunt.
While Isabella got her face painted, I took some pictures of the boys.

Ryan met the Easter bunny for the first time. I was bummed this picture was a little fuzzy!
I was surprised he didn't cry, but instead he just looked intrigued.
I thought the Schnook looked so cute in his new shirt from Mamaw that she bought him at Osh Kosh (thanks, Mom!).
After the pictures, we went to the activity area, which has gotten smaller over the years. The first station we went to was a ring toss. Joshua missed the first one but got the second. He was offered a prize of a top.
Caleb was excited since he loves to spin little tops. But, as hard as he tried, he didn't land the ring toss. I was glad he gave it his best effort and expected that all children would get a prize for trying, as had been the case previous years and at all other church events we've been to (after all, these are little kids). But, not this station with this volunteer. He was terribly disappointed, which made me decently irritated, although I didn't say anything there.
We just decided to let the kids stand in line for the bounce area, which they went through three times before it was time to go to the puppet show.
Before the puppet show, we saw the balloon station. The kids waited in line for their balloons and asked for the twirly hats. They looked so cool!
After getting their hats, we went into the puppet show, which was really impressive. Last year it was a magic show that was a little above their heads. This year, the puppet show was about the story of Easter and how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and arose again. They sang all sorts of songs like "Celebrate, Jesus, Celebrate...for He is RISEN! He is ri-sen! And He lives forevermore!" The children all LOVED it! So did we - this was much more age-appropriate and event-appropriate. It was a great change from last year.
I took their hats while they found seats close to the stage and we had to hang back because of the crowds. At one time the proximity to my children would have terrified me. But, having all three kids stick together and realizing that they are growing and becoming more responsible helped me say okay to the situation. They did fine and we got them as soon as the show was over. It had been a fun morning!
I ran into a woman there that I typically see at the gym (we joined at the same time and have taken many classes together). She said in a shocked voice to Shawn "I can't get over how pretty your wife is." While I think she was being sweet, I realize how DISGUSTING I look at the gym, so with regular clothes, make-up and no sweat, I probably do look different. He smiled and said "I know." He's a Good boy!

The boys said goodbye to Isabella and we headed out - it was POURING and they didn't do the egg hunt in the field at the next time slot. I was thanking God the whole way out for holding off the rain for us! :) Next year, all three kids (possibly even four if their little boy is walking, maybe?) will be able to hunt and be in different areas. Should make for an interesting time! :) :) :)

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