Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hoppy Easter

Aren't these the cutest little bunnies you've ever seen? I love them! :) :) :)
I was SO happy to have Shawn home in time for Easter. I had been nervous about his flying, etc. and was thankful that he was home to spend the holiday with us. Praise You, Lord, for keeping him safe!
Bummer that this picture below was blurry of me and the Bean (can you tell Daddy took it?)
Ryan wasn't too sure that he loved the bunny ears. :) I thought he looked so cute in them!
Easter Sunday we got up, got ready and went to church as a family. As I put on facebook "Over 60 plastic eggs filled for a hunt, 24 eggs painted and decorated, 8 resurrection biscuits baked and enjoyed, five outfits picked out for church, three baskets filled with goodies for the ONE and only risen Savior!"
I realized after I put the boys' outfits on them that they don't own dress shoes. Typically they wear khakis, so we can get away with nicer sneakers. But, that morning in their ties and black dress pants, their orange and khaki sneakers stuck out like a sore thumb!
The above was our only family picture we got that day. Caleb said the sun hurt his eyes and chose to go in for naps rather than get a family picture. I was disappointed. But, such is life.
We still got one of me and my other two boys, looking might dapper in their Easter outfits. I enjoyed having a new dress to wear, and Mamaw purchased these outfits for the older boys. Ryan is wearing what Joshua wore on his first Easter. :) :) :)
Here's a picture of my three little men in their Easter outfits and ties together. :) :) :)

And here are me and my sweet little boys, fresh after their baths the night before. Is there anything better than cuddling with little men in PJs when they smell fresh from bath time? LOVE love love them!
After church, we made a little ham steak for just our little family with some hungry jack potatoes and creamed corn - easy, fast and delicious. We all napped that afternoon and enjoyed the egg hunt. Then we just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day as a family. We didn't have a family gathering to go to until the following week, so it was just a nice day at home to be together. :)
Hope you had a "Hoppy" Easter, too! He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! (Which we finally said at church this year!). I loved the sermon, too: "WOMAN, why are you weeping? Jesus is ALIVE!"

1 comment:

Jessica said...

love the pics with you and the boys. Once Easter was over, I realized after the fact, that we never got af amily picture of the four of us all dressed up. Oh, well!