Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Fuzzy Craft

On the morning of Friday, April 20, I dug out these crafts that I had purchased around Easter time. There were two posters that had a black fuzzy background and two markers. I let the boys pick out which poster they wanted (a kitten or a bunny) and which color marker. This was one time where they both agreed on which ones they wanted - no fighting! Joshua picked the green marker while Caleb picked the bunny, so they were both happy to take the opposite of what the other had picked.

Then they carefully colored every last spot that was white while staying away from the black. I was amazed at how long it took them to color these since they were being so careful not to color the fuzzy parts. At first I sat with them, then I got moving to clean the house. It was a fun, yet productive day. While Ryan napped, I scrubbed the bathrooms, dusted, swept & mopped, finished our laundry, put clothes away, etc. The boys were having fun coloring, and when they were finished we went to the gym (as I posted about earlier with Ryan having a blast in the ball pit!) and then played together.

When Mamaw & Papaw arrived the following day from Florida, Joshua gave them their crafts that they had worked on. :)

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