Monday, April 2, 2012

My Guy

Shawn had a work trip scheduled for Sunday, April 1, until late Thursday, April 5. Originally we had hoped the whole family could go along since he was staying in Orlando, but we realized that the flight prices were insanely high due to it being the week before Easter. His flight was covered by work and we had one free round trip ticket, but we still realized that we didn't have money in our budget for the two remaining tickets we would have needed. It was a bummer! But, he had meetings literally from early morning until late night, so we wouldn't have seen him anyway.
Before Shawn left for his trip, a friend of mine told me that her husband left her. She has three little kids just like we do, and I was devastated to hear the news. The Bible says to mourn with those who mourn, and all I could think about was her and those precious little faces without their daddy. It made me really appreciate Shawn all the more. We had a good talk about being trustworthy and faithful that night. We also said that marriage isn't always easy, but it's always worth working on. Neither of us wants to give up but always try to do even better to make our family stronger. With marriages under attack, we want to always be lifting ours to God. That next Tuesday morning at Bible Study, the message was on marriages and how husbands & wives can work together to grow closer. I have the utmost respect for the woman who taught it, and it was a good message and reminder.
With Shawn leaving that Sunday, I had created a "to-do" list for him to make my week with three boys a little easier. But, I decided to re-examine the list to see if there were must-haves and nice-to-haves, or things I could do but just with difficulty. I decided most of the list was just nice if he got it done. Almost everything on it I can do myself; I just rely on his help when he's here. So, the only thing I left for him that was a "must do" was to pack. I realized later I should have helped with that one as he forgot his dress shoes and had to buy a pair in FL - doh! I really thought about it and decided, if something were to happen to the airplane would I want him working his last weekend with the family or enjoying time together? So, I decided some fun together was in order.
The Wednesday before he left, I had taken a body pump class in the afternoon. Everyone told me that they can be rough until you get used to them, but I felt pretty good there. I was glad there was an ambassador for the class who warned me not to put too much weight on the bar for the first class and see how you get the technique down and how you feel the next day. I felt great during class - challenged but not overwhelmed. Well, the next day I woke up and could barely move, literally. I went to my jazzercise class anyway, hoping that continuing to move would help ease the sore muscles. I did a body jam class Friday morning and by Friday night, I was wondering if I should just ask Shawn to help me get some work done around the house. Instead, though, I suggested we go to the gym together and let the kids play in the child care area while we sit and relax in the hot tub. I think it's what we both needed - him after a long week at work and me after an intense workout. We were able to talk as we sat in the hot bubbling jacuzzi. We weren't there long, but it felt great.
The next day, we went on an Easter egg hunt as a family. Then we asked Mom to come over and watch the boys while we went to see the movie "The Hunger Games." We had both read the books, so I wanted to see the movie, too. There hasn't been a movie I've wanted to see in a long time, and Ryan's eating schedule would never allow it before. So, this was a special treat to go on a date. Mamaw brought Grace & Faith over to play Wii with Caleb & Joshua while Ryan napped. It was nice to be able to go to the movies and hold hands and just enjoy being out together. We decided later that night to get our babysitter Miranda to come over and go out to dinner just down the street. I called and made reservations and we took a coupon that made one of our meals basically free with the purchase of another. It was a great time. We did a little grocery shopping after we left to stock up for the week (my most hated chore) and then we played with the kids when we got home. After they were in bed, Shawn started to pack and got a couple other little things done around the house - a true bonus!
It had been a really fun weekend, and I was glad to have some time with my love. He had a bit of a cold when he left for his trip, which got worse throughout the week. It was a bummer when he left Sunday morning. I took the kids to church by myself after we said goodbye as he headed to the airport. When the boys would say how much they missed Daddy throughout the week, I would suggest we pray for him. Caleb said "let's pray for his ankle." Joshua said "Let's pray that he's healthy." And we would. We'd pray for safety, for favor, for rest, for enjoyment, etc. Praise God, his flights were fine and he came home safely (sick, but safe!). When he arrived home, I ended up taking to urgent care because he had flown with ear infections and they were "angry" as the doctor said. We got him medication that night.
I am thankful that Shawn is in our lives. I'm grateful that he's a loving husband and father. I'm glad he takes the time to interact with the boys and shows me he loves me in many meaningful ways. I continue to pray for him and for our marriage and for us as parents. And I pray for the marriages of those around us - may we keep on keepin' on!
If you have a moment now as you're reading this, will you please pray for Shawn & his health? He had some concerning news at his recent eye doctor's appointment, and he's taking medicine for two weeks and going back to see if that does the trick or if he'll need some more tests done. I believe that God can heal, and I believe that sometimes we are in a spiritual battle where we feel touches in the physical realm (Ephesians 6). My Bible study this last week was about putting on the full armor of God and then PRAYING! Please pray for him. It will make a big difference in our lives! Thank you!

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