Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy 45-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

 Easter Sunday, April 8, was also Caleb's 45-month birthday. For how adorable he looked in his little suit outfit, the morning was not one of his better days. First, he got some sort of scratch above his nose near his eyebrow, which you can kind of see in some of these pictures. We asked him about it, and he said it happened at church when he fell. I have no idea what happened, but it didn't seem to bother him. He also had no desire to get his picture taken with the family that afternoon, which was frustrating to me who spent so much time getting the outfits together. But, later he told me "the sun was in my eyes." I will enjoy the day that he will take the time to communicate better rather than just stubbornly not listen. He is SO strong-willed! But, he's quiet, too, which is a different combination than I'm used to. I need to pray about how to bend the will without breaking his spirit.
He woke up from his nap much more ready to comply with our requests, though, and I think he felt bad for the frustration he had caused earlier in the day. One thing I will say about and to my boys is no matter what they say or do, I will always love them and always like them. They are precious to me! The afternoon was fun with the family, and I've already posted about the egg and basket hunts, etc. So, I'll use the rest of this space to say where Caleb is at in this stage of life.
First, a preschool mother came up to me and told me her little girl has a huge crush on Caleb. She said that her little one will dance around saying "I'm the princess and Caleb is my prince." How sweet is that? I've heard it from other moms about Joshua, but this is the first time I've heard about someone liking Caleb. I smiled at the mom, but I'm not sure Caleb even knows little girls exist yet. This is one way I think girls and boys are different. I asked Shawn about crushes he had when he was younger, and he notes that he was way more interested in sports than women for a long time. I hope that's the case for my little guys as well! :) :) :)
Caleb had his report back from his teacher not long ago, and she noted that she "observed consistently" all areas of academics but noted that he's extremely shy when it comes to playing with his peers. I'm also hoping he outgrows this stage. Shawn is also shy, and I've never known what it's like; but Daddy said it's better for them if they can learn to overcome it. Caleb reminds me of Shawn in almost all aspects of life. :)
Caleb is starting to learn to sound out/spell some words. The other night, I asked Shawn if we should let the boys watch an "M-O-V-I-E" and Caleb said without missing a beat "I'd LOVE to watch a movie!" Yikes! Shawn spelled out Franklin, and Joshua said "Franklin sounds great!" I fear we're going to have to learn a new language to keep ahead of these little men!

Caleb is also starting to hold his pencil correctly. He naturally goes to his original way of learning first but will correct himself and say "is this how I should hold the pencil?" I'm glad to see the change, as I think it will help him with school.
Caleb has loved going to Universal to get his energy out. It has been a big blessing to us. He'll even go when given the opportunity to stay home with Daddy (if we're taking turns going because the baby is sick,etc).

My little man's favorite foods are plain pasta noodles, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, cheese sticks, blueberries, applesauce and grapes. He also enjoys goldfish and crackers, and his favorite cereal these days is Honey Nut Cheerios.

Caleb enjoys singing songs, playing with puzzle books and playing with toys in general. He also enjoys rocking and will ask me to join in when I'm rocking the baby before bed time. He is such a snuggle bug at night! I love it! He'll say "let's make a Caleb 'samich!'" Meaning, let's put me in the middle of either Mama and Joshua in our big king bed or Mama and Daddy and we'll all cuddle. Since this is my love language, I also enjoy this time immensely. :)

Happy 45-month birthday, my sweet Caleb Luke!

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