Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy 67-month birthday, Joshua!

On Wednesday, April 18, Joshua turned 67 months old. Earlier that week, Daddy gave the boys a much-needed haircut. Joshua's hair is so much like Shawn's! It's fluffy and full of calics, and when it gets long it's highly unmanageable. We can wet it down and comb it and within minutes it will stand out and get funky. So, shorter is better even though the kids don't necessarily enjoy sitting still for a hair cut.

Joshua's adult teeth are starting to come in. His bottom left was first, and I just noticed the bottom right is starting to poke it's way through. He is really excited to have some teeth growing back in! He tells me that God is answering our prayers, and I couldn't agree more. :) He also feels like a big boy with grown-up teeth! I'm happy that he's excited, and I've told him how important it is to brush, brush, brush those teeth.

When I took Ryan to the doctor's on Thursday, April 12, the only time they had was an 11:10 appointment.  I knew that I couldn't be at the doctor's office then and back to pick Joshua up from preschool by 11:30. I had to leave to take Joshua to preschool before determining a final way for him to get home. I called my sister but her son Daniel who's typically also in preschool at the same time was throwing up that morning. I called my mom, and ended up leaving a message because she had already left for her yoga class. I had called Shawn, and he said he would leave work if he had to, but it wasn't a great day for it. I told him I'd let him know either way as soon as possible. So, upon arriving at preschool, I told his teacher that someone other than me would be picking him up because my little guy had a doctor's appointment. Joshua is all about routine, so I warned him that someone else would pick him up, and I also like to alert the teacher to look for someone else so she knows that I know he's safe to go with a different person. I told her I wasn't sure if it would be my hubby or mom, but someone would be there. Mrs. Zimmerman asked me a few details and then offered to let Joshua stay until I could come. I was blown away by the offer. Typically if families are late, they are charged a fee and not all teachers are even able to stay late because of other family obligations. She told me that she's typically at school until 1 pm and specifically noted that Joshua is always an amazing little boy and would do just fine with her. She would let him play with the preschool aide's daughter, if she was there that day, and if not, he could help her clean up and put things away. She promised it wouldn't be any trouble at all, and she even offered to bring him to the pediatrician if I thought I'd be later than 1 pm when she leaves. I assured her that there was no way I'd be later than 1 pm with an 11:10 appointment. So, I told him he was going to stay and be Mrs. Zimmerman's helper, and he was fine with that.

All this long story to say that I honestly don't think Mrs. Zimmerman would have offered to let just any child stay behind. I think this truly shows how well-behaved and helpful Joshua is in school. She knew that she could count on him to help her clean up and behave while she was getting ready for the following day. I was blessed beyond measure by her offer and by the fact that she held my son in such high regard. I called Shawn and told him not to worry about coming. I told my mom when she called and said she already had plans that he was just going to stay at preschool. And I was only ten minutes late to pick him up, but he wasn't at all rattled. :)
Joshua has finally turned a corner where he rarely naps in the afternoon anymore. He insists that children at five don't need to sleep. So, I've been letting him do more and more during his quiet time. A couple days ago, he colored us a picture that was lovely. I just say that it's "no media" time, meaning he can't watch TV or play Wii or be on the computer. I want it to be quiet time that is semi-constructive. Sometimes we play together and other times he does activities on his own while I use the time to get things done. He is so good that I trust him to be in a room by himself without doing things he shouldn't.

Another major feat has been wiping himself when he goes potty. I told him he can't go off to school unless he's relatively self-sufficient. And he is now; although we check to make sure still. Soon enough we won't need to.

Joshua loves stories. When we go for walks around the neighborhood, he'll ask me to tell him more and more Bible stories. I'm amazed at how much he is soaking in and what he remembers. He is truly a sponge! He also remembers every line to movies he's enjoyed, so I'm trying to remember that little ears hear and remember more than we realize.

We've been talking this week about the five senses, and I had the inspiration to break each one down to what the Bible says about them. What do we do with our mouths? We talk and we eat. The Bible sure has a lot to say on both those subjects! He is working on learning the verse Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit all who listen." He has the first part down and we're working on the rest. In the next couple weeks, we'll talk about the importance of guarding our eyes, ears, etc.

How I pray that my children will grow up with faith to move mountains! I'm grateful for Joshua's interest in learning. :)

Joshua was at the doctor's office the following week after his birthday and was diagnosed with strep throat. On April 26, he weighed exactly 41 pounds with jeans on. He was thrilled to have hit the 40 pound mark! :) Oh my skinny Bean! How I love you! Happy 67-month birthday!

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