Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy 10-Month Birthday, Ryan!

On Saturday, April 7, Ryan turned 10 months old. His big accomplishment has been pulling up to standing. Whether it's at the crib, on a chair, or someone's hands, he is pulling himself up all the time to stand and use those strong legs.
Ryan went back to the doctor's the following Thursday, April 12, because he had a double ear infection. At that time, he weighted exactly 19 lbs 4 oz. The doctor called him lean but not in a worrisome weight - he's perfectly healthy for him, other than the ear infection. This time, he was put on a stronger antibiotic (Omnicef) and they want to re-check his ears this time to make sure the fluid is completely gone. With the antibiotics came more diarrhea. This poor little man has been through the ringer! :( His sickness has made him more of a cuddle bug, too.
Ryan is SO easygoing. I love his soft little personality. He does have a shriek that he'll do, though, if he wants to be heard!
The week after his 10-month birthday, he started waving hi and bye. I LOVE it! Serious sweetness to see him wave excitedly at us, whether hello or goodbye. It makes me SO happy to see him do these new things!
Because of all his issues with the medication, we've kept feeding him mostly bananas lately. But, he has taken quite the affection to graham crackers. We're also starting to give him more table food here and there. I can't believe he'll be a year old in just two months! I'm trying to savor every last moment with him. :) Happy 10-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

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