Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do Pink Jammies Lead to Pink Eye...Maybe!

Caleb woke up on Friday morning with a fever of 101. Our discharge paperwork said call the pediatrician with any recurrence of vomiting, dehydration or fever. So, I called, and they said come in. Since Dr. Hoshauer had seen him before, I picked her to go to again. She was running nearly an hour behind, but I like how she takes her time with each patient. So, we waited. Thankfully Grandpa Georgia came to stay with Joshua so we could go in. I learned that goopy eyes are a sign of pink eye. His eyes didn't look pink, but they were running almost like a nose would. And, they ran right into his ear, which caused an ear infection. Goopy eye + fever = ear infection 99.9% of the time. Now I know, and I'm sharing the info with other mommas out there. She asked when his eyes started to be goopy, and I said in the hospital. Now I'm wondering why someone (like one of the many doctors and nurses who saw him with that nastiness) didn't say that this was pink eye and should be treated right away ???? So, I left straight from there to get his antibiotics. Thankfully he doesn't mind taking the medicine one bit. Dr. Hoshauer also said, though, that his weight is still down and she needs to see him back to check that he gained the weight back and that his ears look okay. Poor little guy! This morning I put on hit 12-month baby pants that look like capris and they were still falling off his waist. :(
A funny moment was when Dr. Hoshauer said "Oh my gosh! I think his ear already ruptured, look at the side of his face!" followed quickly by "Or, wait a minute, that could be some lunch. What did he have?" When I responded yogurt, she said "Nope, it's yogurt!" and then confirmed by looking in his ears that there was no drainage from his ear even though it was indeed infected. I had wiped his face, hands, outfit (where the bib didn't cover), but must have missed the fact that he put a little near his ear. Haaaa!!! Silly Caleb Luke! She said yogurt was really good at making sure the medicine didn't give him diarrhea. Excellent, because my boy loves it! All day yesterday he told me his toes hurt. Hopefully that's just misplaced pain from his ear - cause his feet are already gi-normous to keep growing!

Dr. Hoshauer explained that pink eye and ear infections have NOTHING to do with the stomach bug. So, he either picked them up in the same place, or my guess is that maybe he got it in the hospital? It's hard to say. Thankfully, Joshua is still healthy; and hopefully Caleb is heading that direction!

The last two pictures in this post are of a bouquet of flowers Shawn thoughtfully bought for me at the supermarket last weekend. What a husband! The first picture was me & the boys at the Farm Show, taken by my friend Julie on the bus.

In other 'Good news,' both boys keep amusing me with how their little minds work. I asked Joshua his full name yesterday, how old he was, and his address. He answered everything to a T. While I'll be reinforcing the address (and not posting it for the public), I think someone could tell what he was saying if he got lost (which should never happen since we pray for our boys and try to look after them as best we can). So, it looks like we'll be moving on to learning his phone number next!

Caleb & I were looking at a lift-the-flap book, and I asked him where the triangle was. He pointed right to it. Then I asked him where the star was. And he pointed right to it! Now, the other shapes were hidden pretty well under the flaps and he didn't get those right, but I was surprised that he knew any. Shawn said he's sharp so we need to keep working with him. If he picks it up, great! If not, no problem. He's already observed more than I realized from hanging out with his older brother. :)

Lastly, here's a story that made me smile. I asked Caleb, "Who am I?" and he replied "Mama." I then asked "Who's that?" and he replied "Josh." Then I asked him who he was. His answer? "Brother." He thinks that's his name! He'll point to Caleb in pictures when we say "And where's Caleb?" but when we ask him his name, he quickly responds "Brother." Sooo funny! He knows the names of Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster even without watching TV (Joshua thought it was a treat at this age to sit in front of the TV; Caleb is not interested in the slightest) but not his own name. Last night I asked Shawn to ask Caleb his name, and he got the same response. I guess it's great to be a brother. :)

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