Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help, Health & Hope

Yesterday my mom offered for us to go to her house so she could help with the boys after my second surgery. She had also brought us some food over the weekend (God bless her!) that we had eaten gratefully. We enjoyed our morning there and the boys took a long nap when we got home. Then last night my friend Becca came with a meal for us - it was great! When Shawn got home, dinner was ready to eat. I was in sooo much pain yesterday. Maybe it was the barometric pressure? The only reason I say that is because after dinner, we went outside to get some fresh air. Shawn & the boys were playing soccer and I was relaxing on the lounge chair. I thought "maybe a walk will help my circulation and ease the pressure that I feel building in my leg." So, I begged Shawn to take a quick walk around the neighborhood with me (not something he enjoys). We put Caleb in the stroller and let Joshua walk, and we started down the street. We no more than walked the first block, and we felt a drip come down from the sunny skies. Could it have been what we thought it was? No... Only, heaven didn't agree with us. Within seconds, the skies opened up and let loose. We were drenched. Joshua started to sing, and we laughed. He sang "I'm so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue, I'm so blue I don't know what to do." We giggled and giggled. I couldn't run (honestly, I could barely even walk!), so we just enjoyed the shower and listened as Joshua sang and then would talk about God playing the drums with the thunder. We all dried off when we got in the door, and the boys got ready for bed. I rocked Caleb to sleep and then tucked in the Bean. I love night time!
This morning Nonie picked up the boys for a day at her house. After they left, I headed for my follow-up ultrasound for my left leg. The ultrasound gal said that my left leg looked good, and also told me that the pain I'm experiencing in my right leg could actually be a good thing. The thrombis (or blood clot) that's so sore and causing the inflammation could be a sign that the vein is clotting off and may go away on its own. She said only time will tell, but it gave me hope. And it reminded me of two Bible verses in my homework this week. Psalm 126:5-6 "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." Please pray that this pain isn't for nothing - that my vein is healing and going away and that this clot is a good thing!!!

While I was looking forward to a "day off" to get some rest, etc. I'm really missing my boys today. But, I'm glad they're having fun. Joshua was looking forward to seeing Nonie today and could barely contain his excitement. She also brought us a lasagna to eat for dinner tonight, which was so sweet. I'm so thankful for the help, the meals, etc. We are blessed.

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