Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Sweetest Husband in the Whole World!

I've had a crummy day. No one thing has been the biggest source, just a lot of little things adding up to make me...grumpy is probably the best word for it. For one, Caleb was up all night last night. Yesterday he didn't eat well, so when he cried last night, I felt like I had to get up and feed him...two or three times overnight he ate and ate. I was so exhausted this morning that I slept in beyond when I needed to wake up to get myself ready (let alone my kiddos!) and leave for MOPS. I love going to MOPS, and I was bummed to miss it. I called my friend Julie to see if she'd like to do breakfast, and she had just finished making hers but she suggested getting together for lunch. Unfortunately, her kiddos didn't cooperate with her plans, which I TOTALLY understand (it's one of the things I love about her - how much our kids are alike). We said we'd try for Friday. But, once again I was hoping for something that didn't happen. Anything I've done today hasn't gone well...Joshua has also been in a stinky mood (I think he was awake half the night, too) and the weather is turning south and my only other plans for the day are cleaning the bathrooms... you get the idea.
But, the doorbell rang not long ago and there were the most beautiful roses from my incredible husband with a note saying that he loved me. I could have cried. He works and works and I'm here at home and not living life abundantly but stuck in my gloomy mood. He is so giving and so sweet, and his gesture was so touching. I'm so grateful to be married to this amazing man of God. We talked the other day about how I think of him almost as angelic, so I'm truly surprised when he doesn't live up to my expectations of perfection. It's unfair to him, and yet I mean it as such a compliment...I do think the world of him. Thank you, my handsome husband, for your sweetness and putting up with me! The flowers are wonderful!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Awe! This is so sweet!!! I'm sorry we ended up being part of the crummy day...ours remained crummy as well...but I'm so impressed with your husband and his love and encouragement to you. Good job, Shawn!

Can't wait until Friday. We WILL get together. I can sense it. At around 2:00 (when Jude woke up from an all-too brief nap) he said, "When we go to Joshua's house?" I thought it was funny since he gave that resounding NO! when I asked him if he wanted to go this morning. Ha ha! Try to figure out the mind of the two year olds. Can't be done. So, I told him we would go on Friday and he looked at me like I had three heads. (What the heck is Friday?)

Love ya!