Monday, January 19, 2009

More JCP Pics

My kids were downright terrified of the gal screaming at them... she was like the "peekaboo monster." She was nice, but much too loud and disturbing (which coming from me who always talks loud, you know she was hollering!!!).
She also did a terrible job at positioning the kids. You can see Caleb's diaper, and look how he's uncomfortable in this can tell he's not happy!!!
She forgot the mat at first for the tub, so he's sliding in this slippery thing on the towel the entire time. But, he did love to chew on the rubber duck! We have a ton of these pictures where you can't see his smile!
Such is life. My kiddos are still sweet & cute even if I couldn't get good pictures this time. Next time! At least they don't cost a lot to try!!! It was more of a waste of time that annoyed me. Such is life! I have lots more, but these were the best of the bunch!

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