Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sleeping Beauties

Yesterday after Shawn got home, we took turns going to the gym. When Shawn returned, we made dinner together while Joshua sat in his swing in the kitchen. Afterward, Shawn watched the baby while I cleaned up. I came upstairs to find my boys asleep - both worn out from a busy day. I must admit, I was beat too. But, this was a picture I couldn't pass up taking.

Poor Joshua has had a belly ache today. I wish I could take away his pain! But, more than mylecon and some prayers, there's not much more I can do than to hold and console him. Thus, I let Shawn go to youth group while I stayed home since I thought that would be a nicer experience for him.

On a brighter note, I got to see my nieces for a little bit today. My sister called and asked if I could watch the two older girls who are doing well while she took the little one to the doctor's office. Emma, the youngest, was diagnosed with a sinus infection, which is not contagious (thankfully). Grace and Faith were extremely well-behaved here and showed me their new toys they got for Christmas and were upset when they had to leave because we hadn't had the chance to color together yet when mommy came back so quickly. It's nice that the pediatrician is two minutes from my house. Joshua was enthralled with watching them, and both girls told me the minute they walked in the door that mommy had told them they were not allowed to touch Joshua, which is just as well. It will be interesting to see what their new baby will be like! Grace keeps saying she wants a boy baby this time. We shall see!

Here is a little football outfit that Shawn's cousins Rob & Juanita bought for Joshua when he was born. I think he looks like a linebacker in it. It will be interesting to see if the pediatrician keeps Joshua on this higher calorie formula or switches him when we go for his four month check up next week!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Joshua looks so big! I can't believe it!!! Maybe it's the outfit (and he really is a line-backer), but suddenly it seems he went through a major growth spurt. How did he get so big? I can't wait to see him!
