Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Ringing in the New Year

Another great weekend was had by our family. On Friday, I went to the Christmas gathering for the worship team, and it was soooo nice to see everyone. Shawn watched Joshua while I was out. Saturday morning, I met some friends for breakfast since Kris was home for the holidays from New York where she and her husband are serving with Eagles Wings. The twins couldn't make it, but Michelle and her son, Cheryl, Kris and I had a great time! Shawn and Joshua had more bonding time, which they needed since I haven't been at school during Christmas break. New Year's Even Shawn had to work during the day, so I didn't go to church by myself with the baby. He got out earlier than expected, though, and went to our friend Mike's house to watch the Eagles game. I stayed home with Bean until he came home. Together as a family, we went to Nonie & Poppy's house to ring in the New Year. We played games with Shawn's relatives (we just learned how to play "Apples to Apples" which was great fun!) until about 10 'til midnight when Jordon reminded us that we needed to see the ball drop and handed out hats, necklaces and noise makers. We stayed and visited until about 12:30 since Joshua was so good the entire night.

New Years Day consisted of mostly trying to sleep when Joshua would nap. I've been reading "What to Expect the First Year" which says that he shouldn't need to get up in the middle of the night anymore because of his size - his body should be able to maintain brain function now with a full night's rest. So, we'll see when this catches on. The book has been so interesting on tips and ideas and what his progress should be. It's hard, though, because he's advanced in some areas and way behind in others. Truly, though, he should only be two months on January 6 from his original due date instead of his three months-going-on-four. So, we're just pleased with whatever he does. He's seemed to have discovered his tongue, which he sticks out and licks his lips and moves all around. He also coos and makes all sorts of sounds. Tonight Shawn would say "ooohhhh" and Joshua would kind of repeat it (well, let's be honest...who was repeating who is yet to be determined). It was so adorable. Joshua likes to be talked to and is more attentive at different things these days, but he has yet to grab a rattle or even act slightly interested in touching anything. I know that will come with time. He is almost completely bald on top but has chunks of hair still in the back. It's so weird! He sure is adorable, though! Look at him smile!


Julie Garner said...

So much fun hearing about all Joshua is doing! He is SOOOO cute!!!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Anonymous said...

He is so adorable. It was fun seeing you again! I posted the pictures on my site so you can copy them if you want.

Anonymous said...

Last comment was me, Cheryl :>)