Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy 55-months, Caleb!

Caleb turned 55 months on Friday, February 8. We see him getting bigger each month and SO strong! He's extremely athletic and reminds me so much of Shawn in his personality. Typically he tells us he doesn't want to go to school, but he usually has fun when he's there. His teacher told us she thinks he is ready for kindergarten, and she even said that he's really come out of his shell at school. In the beginning he was really reserved and now he talks a lot and plays well with other kids.

This past week, it was his turn to be the "Shining Star" at school. We created these posters (at the teacher's request" for him to take in and talk about to the students. The first is "My family" and there were pictures of us, pictures of him and his brothers, us on vacation and at Dutch Wonderland, and one of him riding on an airplane since he has grandparents in Florida. :)
The next one was ways that God made him special. I included his favorite food of "special noodles," the fact that he likes to bake and help in the kitchen, the way he LOVES to do crafts and enjoys coloring and playing puzzle books, that his favorite color is blue, and that he loves to play games and do sports.
Finally, we had a "Did You Know That..." poster which included him coloring and building his own rocket ship, how much he loves to play Wii with his brother and dress up like Luigi, that he met Sister Bear recently at the library and loves to read books, that he did Soccer Shots this past fall, passed his swim lessons last summer, and is part of the Little Ninjas program at Universal.
I am excited when he gets to share in front of the class or do show 'n tell because these are skills that I hope he can develop to be less shy and reserved and more comfortable in front of his peers. This past week at preschool was "W" week which was "Western" week. They were asked to dress up like cowboys on Thursday, and we dug out his old Woody costume. He was SO excited and even put on his boots (which are small, but he insisted on wearing!). We've gotten lots of use out of our costumes! I heard another little girl tell her mommy about Caleb in his Woody costume and how cool she thought it was. He was thrilled! And Woody even starts with 'W' so he fit right into the day's activities.
Caleb is getting better and better at playing Wii as well - he often beats me when we play together. He also likes playing his big brother's DSi, and I have to give it to Joshua for willingly sharing his treasure. Caleb Luke still LOVES to color and enjoys one-on-one time. He loves to play "Guess Who" and "Memory" and all sorts of games. He also enjoys all the puzzles in the Puzzle Book and play most with ease. We enjoy the activity together!

There's more I can write, but March is just around the corner. Happy 55-months, Caleb Luke!

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