Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy 20-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan Josiah turned 20 months old on Thursday, February 7. I'm a little behind on blogging, though! During the month of February, he got this long hair cut off and it's now buzzed (pictures to come).

He also has known most of his shapes for a while now (heart, circle, moon, star, etc). He has yet to grasp colors though. His vocabulary is impressive to us as we hear new words and words used in the right context. He is quite the talker! He told me the other day that he has "yogurt face" which is an expression I use a lot (hey, you have pizza face, kiddo, let's get a wet wipe! or hey! you have chocolate ice cream face, looks like it's time to clean up!). He giggled. And sure enough, he had gotten yogurt all down his chin! He is starting to learn how to use utensils, and it's a messy business for sure!
Ryan says "please" "thank you" and "your welcome" a lot. The nursery workers at church told us that he said thank you for his snack without being prompted (seeming impressed) and we're insisting he say "please" before we give him what he's asking for. He's also learned in the process that after we say "thank you" the common response is "your welcome." He also will bless himself after he sneezes, which cracks me up!

Ryan has no interest in the potty yet. We haven't pushed it, especially knowing we're going away soon. He loves to sit on the potty completely clothed and clap for himself, but he doesn't like it when he's naked. ??? I know this too shall pass.
The biggest change this month I've seen is that Ryan is now going into the "big kid" kidmazium at the gym. Every once in awhile when they're not busy, a worker will climb through with him and let him go in the ball pit and explore. But, he recently climbed the wall separating the little kids from the bigger kids, and that must be how the workers judge whether a child can handle the bigger areas on their own. It scares me to think of him in that maze by himself, but he LOVES it! I can't get over seeing him in there climbing and playing.
I recently took Ryan back to the doctor to re-check the fluid on his ear. He weighed just over 26 lbs (maybe and 3 oz?) and was closer to the 40th percentile for weight. That's the heaviest he's ever been! He's growing big and strong! He's solidly in 2T clothing and size 6 sneakers for now.

Somehow Ryan has become a Daddy's boy. They LOVE to play together and connect very well. Shawn is great at coming up with silly games for this age group, and Ryan eats up the attention from his loving Daddy.

There's more I could write, but he'll have another 'birthday' coming soon. So, happy 20-months, my sweet Schnook!

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