Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brothers, baby!

There are some days we wish Ryan was a little more interested in TV. He has none whatsoever, but we turned on a video for his older brother and Joshua sat in a chair so Ryan decided to pull up Caleb's chair and sit next to him for a few seconds. I snapped a quick picture!
My favorite of this bunch is above. Joshua was throwing a royal fit. I don't remember what about now, but he threw himself down with that tearful pouting expression. Ryan happily went over and sat down on his lap as if to say "cheer up, buddy, no tears around me!" Don't you love Ryan's happiness on his big brother and Joshua's scowl and yet tender care for Ryan, not letting him fall or trying to get him off?
Ryan loves to play the "knock you OOOOVVER!" game, and Joshua is okay letting him sometimes on him (normally we say only to Mommy and Daddy). Joshua giggled and laughed at Ryan's interaction with him. Joshua is so sweet with the baby, and Ryan truly loves both is older brothers, asking for Caleb and Joshua both by name. They all get along so well, but these are a couple pictures I got lately!

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