Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Antibiotics X 5

The last week of January we all got sick (at least I think it was right around there). Ryan started by not eating much, and then Caleb said in a very thick voice "my throat hurts." We kept him home from church on Sunday and thankfully we did because he threw up that night. I took him to the pediatrician the next day and sure enough, he had strep throat. I asked them to test Ryan, but when she looked at him (neither of them had fevers), she saw that he had another ear infection. So, rather than test since he needed antibiotics anyway, she just gave us a prescription. Joshua tested negative (and he felt fine that day) but his throat was sore the next day and by Friday we were back in where Joshua's strep test came back positive.

Shawn has had a HORRENDOUS cold, and he got antibiotics for what they deemed a sinus infection. I finally made a doctor's appointment for Saturday. My throat was a little sore, and I couldn't tell if it was from lack of sleep (from having a sick hubby and sick babies) or if I too was coming down with something. The doctor didn't think it looked like strep, but he said with having four others on antibiotics, it's better to wipe the house clean and get me on them as well than to give it back and forth to each other. So, all five of us were on medication. I also took the opportunity to bleach everything in my house - from doorknobs to remote controls to anything we touch or look at. Hopefully the sickness will stay away the rest of this year!!!

Praise the Lord, we're all feeling much better now, except Ryan (whose ear is no longer infected but still has fluid) and Shawn, who is on a different kind of antibiotic with a steroid to hopefully knock out whatever is attacking his lungs. Keep praying for us! :)

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