Friday, January 25, 2013

Time to P! :)

Late last week we got out the play doh for the boys to play with. They always have fun with it and asked for it since we had done the play doh volcanoes. :)
This past week was "P" week in Caleb's preschool, so he got to wear his pajamas to school and eat pancakes for snack. :) :) :) He was excited for this special "party!
This past Friday we went to Park City Mall so I could pick up Caleb's 4.5 year portraits. We also checked out a few stores, and Mamaw bought Caleb a pair of jeans (now I need to throw out a few pairs that are extremely holy, particularly in the knees that give him extra 'air conditioning' in these FREEZING temperatures!). Thanks, Mom, for your generosity! Caleb always appreciates getting something new. :)
Afterward we let them play in the play area at the mall. They had a blast! Ryan especially loved the duck! He met another little boy his age who followed him all around.
It was fun to watch them play. Eventually Ryan got tired, so we left and came home after dropping Mom back off.
Speaking of "P" we have declared no more pull-ups for the boys, and on Saturday, January 19, Caleb was dry the whole night. I knew he was using the pull-up as a crutch. He just didn't want to have to go potty in the morning when he was still sleepy, so he'd pee in the pull-up after he woke up but wasn't quite ready to move yet.
Speaking of Saturday, January 19, all three boys spent the day at Nonie & Poppy's house. We met them after the gym (around 11ish) and Shawn & I had a great time shopping at Gabriel Brothers and just spending time together. It was SUCH a fun day! Nonie texted me that she was able to rock Ryan to sleep for his nap and he went down great. She also told us that Joshua ate THREE bowls of her homemade macaroni & cheese. All the boys LOVE it! They ate well and played outside and had a ton of fun with their cousin Jordon. They were so glad to get the chance to go. And Shawn & I were thankful for a day to shop and have fun, even though we missed the boys. It was P-erfect! :)

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