Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy 1/11!

The number 111 is my favorite. As I was praying in high school that God would send me a husband, I would notice the clock being 1:11 am when I felt He was saying "YES!" And an amazing husband He sent me indeed! I have held the number 111 as precious as it reminds me of God's faithfulness and love for me. So, whenever I see it, I smile. Sometimes it's on the clock, sometimes it's the number of calories I've been burning at the gym, and once a year it's a date on the calendar. :)
On Friday, 1/11, I took Caleb & Ryan shoe shopping. I bought Caleb a couple pairs of shoes (one brand new pair that he was THRILLED to pick out himself) and a couple pairs of used (but 100% washable) shoes that are that high-end Tsukioshi (sp?) brand that we love so much. The used ones are only $3 a pair, and they looked almost brand new! His favorites were a pair of red ones. I bought Ryan two pairs of used ones (one for now, one for the future) and I got Joshua a pair of used ones for the future. They were all in great shape and since I can wash them, why not?
Later that morning before picking Joshua up from school , Caleb asked if he could wear his Luigi costume again. He LOVES it! And he might as well get some use out of it for the money it cost! We decided to bake some pumpkin spice muffins. He enjoys helping in the kitchen, and every time I read Ryan his "cake book" (AKA "You Can Do It, Sam!") I want to bake. :)
I took the boys to the gym that afternoon, and Caleb did the "Little Ninjas" while I did pump and ran. That evening, Mamaw asked to have the boys spend the night and agreed to watch little Ryan too while we went to dinner. We had a gift card to Red Lobster from Christmas from Grandpa Georgia, and I called ahead. They were on an hour wait, and we knew we had to take the kids to Mamaw's yet, so the timing worked out perfectly! I had fed them pizza for dinner and packed their overnight bags, and they were super excited!
Daddy bought me these two dozen beautiful roses to celebrate the day. :) I asked if we could get a picture together, which he normally doesn't like but said okay to.
 We picked up Ryan after dinner, and the boys handed me the pictures they drew me. I LOVED them!
Joshua's says "I Love My Mom" and had hearts all over it. Sweetness. Mamaw said they both went right to bed at 8 pm and slept well until almost 7 am. I know they played hard that day with no naps! Ryan also went to bed easily that night, but he woke up upset at midnight and we held him for a little while. Eventually he went back to sleep. Shawn & I looked at all sorts of options for traveling on our upcoming anniversary before calling it a night. Hopefully we'll get something booked soon!
I love love! :)

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