Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Monday With My Little Men :)

On Monday, Caleb & I decided to make snowflakes together. I looked up some examples online and it was a little more complicated than I remember it being between the folding and cutting. BUT, it was still fun. We each did one using a hole punch too, just to see the different effects. :)

I called Shawn and asked if he would like to meet for lunch. We've agreed to only meet once a month (unless it's summer time and we can eat a packed picnic lunch) to save money. We agreed that this would be our one day. We went to Chick Fil A where the older boys could play while Ryan sat with us to eat his lunch. The older boys ate in the car when play time isn't so important. :)
That morning, we also made our play doh volcanoes, which I will post about separately. After dinner that night, we decided it was high time we finish this rocket ship we've been working on since Christmas! The boys had already changed into their PJs when we brought out the final pieces and the 150 crayons tower to keep working on it. We had been steadily coloring for weeks.
Finally we finished! And Daddy started construction using the instructions we had kept in a safe place. Caleb said he was "Coach" and held onto the instructions when Daddy wasn't reading them.
Here are the builders together. Caleb asked where we got this gift, and I reminded Daddy it was from Santa. Santa purchased it at CVS, though, on Black Friday. :)

The first one to climb in to this very cool rocket was Caleb Luke. He was thrilled!
Big brother was quick to follow him in. :)
 I love how cute they are! We told them they weren't allowed to fly away into outer space - and there was to be no taking off in the middle of the night. They giggled. :)
 Ryan decided he wanted to go inside the rocket ship, too. We even allowed the boys to eat their bed time snack in there. :) They had a blast!

The rocket is still in our living room for now. The boys have had a lot of fun playing in it. The project is finished! :) :) :) Yeah! It had been a fun and creative Monday with my little men.

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