Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last Week? I Think?

The day of Joshua's dentist appointment, Aunt Jen kept Caleb for me. So, I returned the favor by watching Daniel the next day while she had a doctor's appointment for John. Daniel's pretty easygoing, and he loves our train table and trains. I made the kids (and me, of course) french toast and ham for breakfast, and Dan ate his all up while my kids had a few bites if that and were done. They all enjoyed playing together with the trains and then eventually I took all three of them on a walk around the neighborhood (since it was a nice day) and then we played in our garage/on our driveway until Jen came back. Daniel talked more with the Bean than he normally does, and Joshua kept asking him what he could say. At one point, Joshua said to him "we're going to go out near mommy's car... well, it's not 'mommy' to you, it's 'Aunt Val'..." I giggled. It's so funny what kids pick up!
That afternoon while I was working out and the boys were napping, Pa-paw Ginder showed up for Joshua. I put his PJs and a change of clothes into his backpack and away they went for the night. Shawn, Caleb & I headed over to our friends' the Grube's house for pizza & Wii fun. They have a Wii Fit and we had an absolute blast playing it. Caleb & Isabella had fun playing, and we took turns playing the various games and chatting. We laughed and laughed most of the night (after all, how often do you flap your arms like a bird, pretend to hoola hoop or turn into a snowball in front of your friends?). We had a nice time. Once again, my camera batteries were low and the camera was home. :(
The next morning, Ma-maw & Pa-paw returned the Bean in the morning so they could see more of the family, and we headed to church with my sister Becky & her husband Tim. After the service, we went to Infinito's Pizza Buffet, Joshua's favorite restaurant. He was sad when they didn't come back to play some more, but they were packing to leave for Hawaii and Ma-maw & Pa-paw were coming back to our place for one last goodbye before heading onward for business meetings and then home. The boys especially were sad to see them go, and Joshua said "aren't they tired of Florida already?" Ummm... no; I think it's hard to get tired of sunshine and warm temperatures. :)

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