Monday, April 19, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly

On April 8, Joshua had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Devenyi for his reflux. The first thing they did was take his weight and measure his height. The Bean finally hit 31 pounds - an all new high for him! Dr. Devenyi noted that he's in the 2?th percentile for weight (can't remember if it was closer to 20th or 25th) and the 75th percentile for height. So he's tall & skinny or long & lean. That's not a bad thing - I think that's a great body structure to have!
Dr. Devenyi thinks that maybe Joshua has outgrown his reflux, but he said only time will truly tell. Since Joshua did get the stomach flu over the winter, there were times that we wondered if his GERD acting up again. He is now off the medicine, and we're to monitor him closely for spitting up or complaints of pain, etc.
 GERD & asthma go together, so it's also important to note if he has any episodes of asthma as well, since the reflux can be the cause. Hopefully we've turned a new chapter in Joshua's life!
That said, Dr. Devenyi is concerned about Joshua's holding his bowels. He put him on a strong dose of a daily laxative as well as a strong dose of fiber. He said both medicines are extremely gentle and should not make Joshua rely on them to go. At this point, the doctor is making sure that everything is working well and wants 'behavior' not to be part of the digestive system. So, my poor Bean has no clue when he has to go potty and will simply go when the medication hits him. Dr. Devenyi said that will ensure that everything will work as it's supposed to, and we go back in July to see how he's progressing. It's been a bit rough, especially since Joshua seems to want to go to the potty and at times the medicine gives him a belly ache until it comes out. But, we will do what is best for our little guy. Digestion has not been his strong suit from birth, and even getting him to eat can be difficult. Please pray for him!
These pictures were taken the Tuesday after Easter, or April 6. We had went to MOPS that morning and then we played outside that afternoon. I haven't had much time to post anything. The weather that week was beautiful, and we took full advantage of it, playing at the park and the playground behind our house and the backyard and any outdoor time we could get! God is good! And so is His sunshine!
Well, I must run to pick up the Bean from preschool!

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