Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Fool's Day

Thursday morning was April Fools Day. Aunt Missy arrived bright & early that morning, as she was watching the boys so I could go out to breakfast with some friends from my youth group years. Michelle emailed and asked us all to go out to breakfast at Oregon Dairy. Jess couldn't come since she's sick and has five kiddos, including a baby who doesn't sleep; and Kris couldn't come since she's still in NY and JUST gave birth on Saturday. But the rest of the gang came. Unfortunately, we didn't grab any new pictures because our server was SO SLOW that Jen was almost late for work.

Missy came bearing gifts with her for the boys - the cutest little headbands with bunny ears and a little singing bunny that says 'long ears, cotton tail, dude I'm heading down the bunny trail... Now everyone's crazy about a BUNNY man!' (sang to the tune of 'every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man'). It's adorable and the boys LOVE it! They've played it so much that the batteries are already dying.

Caleb didn't wake up until the door bell rang and Joshua screamed with glee. Unfortunately, Caleb was not his normal chipper self. He still had a bit of a fever, and this time I think he just wasn't feeling well. I told Missy I would gladly cancel my plans and stay home but she assured me it was okay to go. Caleb was well behaved for her and she didn't seem to have any problems, thank God! He was still putting his fingers in the back of his mouth like his molars hurt, but he also started having other issues later that day so I'm not sure what was wrong. Thankfully he's feeling mostly better now. He's still not the biggest fan of his ears, though. Joshua, on the other hand, LOVES them!

I think he makes an adorable little bunny! The only person I got with an April Fool's Day joke was my Dad, who didn't realize what day it was. I tried Shawn & my sister and gave up after nothing seemed to work. :(
That night we played with the bunnies & ears and ran some errands, ending the evening with a couple slices of pizza for dinner and watching some recorded TV. Both boys were having the opposite problem of what Joshua had been experiencing, if you know what I'm saying, and I half wonder if Caleb somehow drank some of Joshua's drink and that had given him an upset stomach. Who knows for sure with how they share? And I'm more anxious than ever before to see Dr. Devenyi on Thursday!
Doesn't this picture look like the "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids" commercial?
The best part of Thursday, in my opinion, was that it was a pseudo-Friday since Shawn had off work for Good Friday the next day. Hurray for short work weeks and longer weekends! God is good to us!

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