Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Week!

Monday was a preschool morning, and I taught in the afternoon & evening. At preschool that morning, Mrs. Hilton, the teacher's aide (pictured below), gave Joshua a Sally Car from the Cars movie. There's one at preschool that Joshua adores, and I told her that was one of the few we didn't have. She came that morning and told me her sons don't really play with them anymore plus she had a couple of them. Joshua beamed the entire day, telling us that Mrs. Hilton gave him Sally. He hasn't stopped carrying it around. Grandpa watched the boys for an hour that afternoon (so I could leave for school) before Miranda got out of school and relieved him (he started coming down with a cold, and I didn't want the boys to catch it). When Shawn got home, he paid Miranda and took her home. It was a cold, rainy and ugly day outside! The week started in the 40s but warmed up as the days went on. I had a decent night at school, which is always good. Not great, but not bad by any means.
Tuesday morning, I invited Grandpa to go along to Central Market and he agreed. I bought carrots, grapes, strawberries, cucumbers, cantaloupe, bread, blueberries and potatoes. I also bought the boys donuts for behaving well and a chai & bagel with cream cheese for myself for breakfast, just like I used to when Shawn & I lived in the city and would walk to market on Saturday mornings. We saw one of Joshua's pediatricians there, but he was chatting so we didn't say hi. Grandpa didn't buy anything but he seemed to enjoy the morning out with the boys.
That afternoon, I had a dentist appointment and Miranda watched the boys again for us while I was gone. My teeth got cleaned, and the dentist said everything looks good as usual. I'll see him again in six months. :) In the meantime, I scheduled Joshua's dentist appointment for the end of this month. Please pray that goes well!

Wednesday morning was Joshua's Easter party at preschool (where all these pictures are from). Each child was to bring in an item for the party (which is normal) and then they ask for mom's to volunteer to help set up the party. I was the only one who did this time, which I didn't realize until I got there. I had no directions and no clue what was going on. The one 'room mom' works, I guess, and the other one is due any day now with her second baby. Either way, no one else was there so it was all on me to figure out. I hurriedly put candy into sandwich bags (since the mom who brought the candy didn't bring individually wrapped pieces) and then stuffed them into eggs -- since the candy situation was a little bit of a disaster, each child got to find a whopping two eggs. Then I set up their snack, which consisted of cut grapes, carrots & dip, and biscuits they had made.

Soon the children came back from the egg hunt and dumped their candy into brown bags they had made so that the eggs could go back to the teacher. Then the children sat down at the table for snack, and Caleb started getting into toys that I helped him clean up. It was quite the morning.
At one point, a little boy named Isaiah (pictured above) said something about the baby at the end of the table (meaning Caleb). Joshua thrust his arm out and pointing to Caleb, firmly told Isaiah "that's MY baby!" and that ended the conversation. I'm not sure what started it or what was said, but I knew the Bean was standing up for his baby brother because he told me "that's my baby Caleb, right Mommy?" Yep, he's your brother forever. :)

The children enjoyed their morning and then came home for naps. Nonie watched the boys that afternoon and had a box of toys from Jordon for them. Joshua was SO excited! There was a brown Mater car, and some toys from Toy Story including Buzz Light Year arms and a talking Woody doll. There's also quite a few books, and Joshua claimed one as 'his special book' that has all the stories of those movies in them. He keeps telling us how nice it was that Jordon & Nonie gave him some new toys & books to play with. :)
Unfortunately, when I came home Shawn said Caleb started having a little bit of a fever for Nonie & was fussy for her. He seemed okay to us, though, and I thought it was his teeth bothering him. Those molars are definitely trying to push their way through! Bummer that he wasn't doing better... And thus ended our last day of March.

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