Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 29-month birthday, Joshua Douglas Good!

Joshua is ALL personality ALL the time. He loves to say "what you talkin' bout, [insert random name here]?" It cracks us up! He also will tell everything "bye-bye, see you tomorrow!" When we sat Caleb in his little seat at our table, Joshua said "no, no, Caleb, that's Alayna's chair!" He loves his little friend.
Today he told me that the pink frog is actually a piggy because it's pink. I tried to explain that it's really a pink frog, and we had our first "debate." He said "no, no, mamma. this a piggy - see, it's pink! See the piggy feet! It's no green froggy; it's a pink piggy!" I howled! Daddy also called it a piggy, but Daddy can't see anything without his glasses. I'm surprised he even saw the stuffed animal!Tonight at dinner, we mentioned Barack Obama, with Shawn laughing at my dismay. That set Joshua off in saying "Barack Obana - HA HA HA HA!" and slapping his hand on the table like he had made a funny joke. When we laughed, he laughed harder. Then he said "That's FUNNY!"Joshua definitely knows the color blue now (praise God!). In fact, I think he knows all his colors pretty well now. We've really worked on it with him. And he knows his shapes. He can count to 20, and he sings the ABC song pretty well (as well as various other tunes - my favorite from today was "John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt"). So, what's next? I guess I'll have to start teaching him letters. Or maybe it's time to really start potty training. (SIGH!)Joshua started pretending to be a lion after we played that game, and he crawls around and roars. He also said he was a dinosaur, which I think he learned from Sesame Street and the episode where Elmo wants a pet dinosaur. The Bean also says "hello" to everyone we meet, which people just love. Nothing lights up a face more, I've found (even grumpy, meanish looking people), than a little two-year-old smiling face full of love looking up and saying "hello!" When you ask him his name, he always says "Josh" and now he's starting to say he's two. But, when we're counting fingers, he's 'European' in that he starts with his thumb as one and the pointer finger as two. It's comical!
Joshua loves to entertain his brother, tells Caleb "no no" if he doesn't like something that Caleb's doing, and plays with him. However, he also doesn't want Caleb to have ANY toys. When does sharing start? We're trying to teach him to trade now, and every once in awhile he does it. It's something we're working on. Joshua still loves songs and books, which I think is great. This week we've been really enjoying the Sleepy Time Tales book that Nonie & Poppy had bought for the Bean. He loves the "Pokey Little Puppy," "Baby Dear" and other stories in that book. He also did really well with the Animal Baby magazine that came in the mail today from Grandma. It's amazing to see how he's learning and communicating...he impresses me everyday, and I thank God for how far he's come.
As I'm reading about "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson, fear sometimes strikes my heart at the terrors that lie ahead for our little boys. How I wish that I could protect him from any unpleasantries in this world! But, I must leave that up to God and pray for his protection, physically, spiritually and emotionally. If you're reading this post, please take a moment and pray for Joshua (and little Caleb) today - God answers our prayers in a mighty way!

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