Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Scream for Ice Cream!

If you know me, you know that I LOVE ice cream. So on one of Daddy's recent trips away, I asked the boys what special treat they would like if they were really good while it was just me at home. They unanimously picked Sweet Frog.
I was glad we met it through the line without any issues and as a bonus, the table outside was even open for us to sit and enjoy the weather along with our frozen yogurt.
Since I had promised the boys at Farm Days in June that we would go back to Oregon Dairy to play on the playground once it was less crowded, I told Shawn that we had to go back so I could keep my word. He (reluctantly) agreed to go for ice cream before playing after work one Friday night.
Here's Caleb enjoying his chocolate ice cream cone!

Joshua got some sort of birthday cake or cotton candy concoction for his.
Don't you love Ryan's "CHEESE" in the background of the picture below?
Shawn fed Ryan some chocolate from a dish, and Ryan was not thrilled to not have his own cone (but he is typically a MESS with them!).

I love my man!
I enjoyed some butter pecan in a dish. :)
We sat on one of the patio tables, and there was only one other family there that night.
When the boys were done with their cones, they started sharing to Ryan as well.
After the ice cream, we let the kids go play and have fun!
Ryan checked out the barnyard wall.
Caleb hopped on this little cow.
Ryan wanted a turn, so Daddy helped him.
Caleb loves to climb!
Joshua enjoyed this tire swing and the monkey bars.
Then they took turns digging in the stones with this contraption.
Caleb enjoyed the tractor.
Joshua wanted a turn, too!
So, Caleb went digging...
Ryan enjoyed the goats.
And he had fun on the playground.
Finally it was his turn for the tractor!

We took a couple more photos and played a little while longer; then we said it was time to go. The boys were HIGHLY upset! They did NOT want to leave. But, eventually we made it out of there in one piece.
So, when we got home, we gave the boys haircuts and baths to round out our evening.

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