Monday, August 19, 2013

A Little Random

I used to blog just about every day. Now I struggle to find a moment here or there to update. And because I'm not on as often, I forget some of the "little" details. One thing I failed to mention was that this spring we replaced our old black shutters. The paint was starting to wear off our old ones, so Shawn bought new ones and then we found a guy off Craig's List that we paid to put on the new ones. I was so tickled by the job he did and that we finally got them done! :)
You'll also notice a Nissan Altima in our driveway in the first picture of this post. We laid Shawn's Volvo to rest in the beginning of June. Shawn loved that car, but it had a ton of miles on it and also needed a ton of work. Weighing what it would cost to fix it vs. what it was worth, we spent a fair amount of time car shopping. Shawn likes to get a good deal and good value for his money. We took several test drives, but he ended up with this silver Nissan Altima due to his size (we can fit all three car seats in the back), it's MPG (extremely high for a mid-size sedan) and all the incentives at the time. It was by far the best bang for our buck, even though he also loved an Infiniti we test drove. But, he said maintenance costs on it would be far more than this one. So, we have a new car in our driveway.
In the above picture, you can see "Joshua's mum" looking beautiful. I love how this blooms every year close to his birthday to remind me of when we received it in the hospital from our church when we had him. It was so HUGE in our room compared to the space we had. And Papaw from Florida helped plant it in our yard so when we got home, it looked nice. :) :) :)
My mom planted one row of this pretty flowers with my younger boys in the early spring while I was helping with Joshua's class. They spread out and are STILL beautiful! Even though we have lots of bunnies, nothing has eaten them. The very sweet mother of our neighbor next door jokingly said to me that the bunnies must not like the pink flowers. I'm not sure why, but they are GORGEOUS! Thanks, Mom! :) :) :)
We have lived in this house almost eight years. I've brought home three babies from the hospital to it. We've both had three cars since living here (one that was totaled in an accident, one SUV, and then one minivan when we were having our third kiddo). Shawn had his original SUV that was on its last legs, his Volvo, and then this new car. We've changed just about every room and we have far more toys than when we moved in.
I love our cozy little home. :)

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