Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy 61-month birhtday, Caleb Luke!

Caleb turned 61-months old on Thursday, August 8. I say this all the time, but he is truly getting so big! He is easily fitting into size 6 clothes and anything size 5 is much too small. He has big ol' feet and is super tall and has a muscular build even though the only thing he wants to eat is peanut butter & jelly or noodles (not that he doesn't eat anything else, but these are all he WANTS to eat).

Caleb continually impresses me with his intelligence. He asked me to listen to him count to 100 and he did so without skipping a number or a beat. He saw this picture of 10 apples and said, hey there could be another apple squeezed in here to make it 11. Indeed, the picture was drawn in such a way that it looked like there was an apple missing. But I wouldn't have thought of it unless he pointed it out. He is VERY observant and very curious about how things work and why. I realize that as he asks questions, he is soaking up all the information.
He still loves to color. He loves to draw his own pictures and color them in, too. And his artwork is very impressive. He remembers even little details! Then he usually writes on them "TO:" (and picks one of us, writing our full name) and "FROM: Caleb" and then he sometimes even writes what it is that he has put on the paper. He is really into spelling right now, so he'll sound out the words and ask us if he's correct in his spelling. And he's getting there!
He also LOVES to play "Guess Who?" At first, we had to teach him to close the doors of the ones who did NOT have whatever he asked about (the glasses or the hats or the brown hair, etc) but now he plays easily. And he can actually beat me now! And he's learning the names and how they are spelled. Rather than asking me "Is your person spelled D-A-V-I-D," he'll ask "Is your person David?" For a game that's supposed to be too old for him, he has certainly mastered it.
He also enjoys playing Wii, his DSi, puzzle books and other games. He will pretend with Joshua and the Mario characters but he'll also play with Ryan at times. He loves to snuggle us, and he enjoys reading new books with us. He still has his favorites (for example, he always laughs and laughs at "Cookie's Week" where the cat gets into trouble every single day of the week). Caleb loves to paint and do crafts, too. He's very patient at it, which helps me be patient.
I learned that Caleb's preschool teacher will not be who we wanted. I may have posted this before. I was devastated. I cried and cried. BUT, I know that God loves Caleb and knows what he needs. So, I'm trusting this upcoming year will be a good experience for him. And, if I need to work with him some more in certain areas like memorizing Bible verses, then I can do that. I am so blessed to be able to play with him.

He still tells us he's Daddy's "twin" since they are the same age (only 30 years apart). But as Caleb continues to grow, I think he looks more and more like his daddy. And he acts like him too! He's super sweet, super sneaky, super smart, and super loveable. Happy 61-month birthday, Caleb!

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