Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy 82 months, Joshua!

On Thursday, July 18, Joshua turned 82 months old. Daddy went back to work that day for the first time since my surgery and the Bean was my "helper" that day, along with his brothers.
One thing I started working on with Joshua is tying shoes. He's not fast by any means, but he can at least tie a shoe if necessary. We don't own tie shoes for him to have to practice on it, but I figured it was a good life skill to have!
Joshua also completed his swim lessons since his previous birthday, and he is doing great with holding his breath and going under water. I'm not sure how great his stamina is yet, but he is doing well with trying to swim.
Joshua is very sweet and yet very boisterous. One thing that always amazes me is how quickly he makes friends. Because he's not shy and a little on the loud side, he usually is the first one to go to a new situation like a park we're playing at and make a new friend that will follow him around as he plays. He is very outgoing and friendly with all kids usually.

Joshua loves to go to the gym, loves to play with his brothers, and has a vivid imagination. He uses all sorts of "characters" and pretends what they are doing, etc. I love to watch him play and interact. Caleb will go right along with him or make up his own twist on the "situation" as they act it out.

Joshua is eating more of a variety of foods these days. He tries most everything we make and while he doesn't always love it all, there's a lot more that he is enjoying. I think it's a sign of age and growth.

I love to listen to Joshua read. He will read to Ryan or to me, and it's music to my ears. :)

There's more I could say, but for now, a very happy 82-months to my favorite OLDEST child! :)

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