Wednesday, March 13, 2013

May Your Past Be the Sound of Your Feet Upon the Ground

Yesterday it POURED. It was raining so heavy that I asked Joshua if he could be brave and let me drive him to school. Typically we walk, but I knew that all of us would be soaked by the time we got to the building, even with our rain coats on. But, to drive means that the kids all have to enter through the far doors (where cars are allowed to go) and Joshua would have to walk by himself and find his classroom from the point where I drop him off and keep moving in my vehicle to let other cars drop off. The door we typically go in only allows walkers and buses.

My boy was nervous, I could tell. He truly didn't want to - he HATES change. But, I explained to him that once he walked in, he would be by the auditorium (where he's been before, I'm sure). I told him to keep walking straight until he saw the Nitrauer knight next to the office, where he would turn right (and I asked him to raise his right hand, which he easily did). I said his classroom (which he would recognize by then would be right there on his right-hand side. I asked him to breathe deeply and think about where he was. Don't get overly anxious or panic because that's when our brains stop thinking. Could he be brave?

I also reminded him that even though Mommy couldn't come in to walk him to his classroom, God was ALWAYS with him (Matthew 28:20). If he got scared or couldn't find his way, what should he do? He didn't answer, so I reminded him that he could tell anyone (especially an adult, who would all be teachers or classroom helpers in the building) that he was in Mrs. Vogt's kindergarten class and they would direct him where to go.

He agreed to try it. I was nervous for him, too. I knew it would be easy to find, but I hate to see him scared. But, I knew that this was a good day to try it. After all, there may be days in the future where we would have to drive (this is only his first year of school, after all!) so it would be worth knowing that he could do it.

He got out hesitantly and then ran through the rain into the building. I almost had second thoughts, and I fervently prayed that he would do okay and it wouldn't rattle him for his morning. But, when he came home from school that day, he told me, "It was SO easy! I went right by the gym, and I knew exactly where I was going. And there was a sneaky leprechaun in our room who hid Ella's name under the carpet AND I got to play in the kitchen play station today with some friends..." It obviously hadn't upset his day too much because it was barely a passing thought as he told me about his morning at school.

I was SO thankful for God keeping him safe and happy, and I was SO proud of my big man for being brave. I told him that they'll be lots of times we might be unsure of which way to step, but God promises to guide us if we'll pray and listen. :)

It was a teaching moment in our house, and we made it through!

[By the way, I titled this post with the lyrics to Fun's song "Carry On" because we LOVE to hear Joshua sing it!]

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