Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy 21-months, Ryan Josiah!

Since I was late posting about Ryan's birthday last month, not too much has changed to this month. That said, I thought it would be fun to do a "day in the life of Ryan" at this age. Typically, he wakes up close to 8 am, chatting softly. He often says the cutest things like "I love you! Hello, Dadda! Mama, hello? Caleb, Josh, good morning!" He never cries (or very rarely) before I go in his room. Almost immediately, he'll tell me "Poopers!" and I smell exactly what he means. We change his diaper and pick out a new outfit and get him dressed before brushing his teeth. He'll say "more piggies" when we take off his socks to put fresh ones on, and he loves when we take the time to do the old "this little piggy went to market, this one stayed home, this one ate roast beef, this one had none and this one cried WEE WEE WEE all the way home!"
After getting him dressed (he's the last one awake in the household usually), we head downstairs for breakfast. My little man LOVES scrambled eggs and waffles. He'll also eat cereal (or muffins when we have them) or pancakes or almost anything that's breakfast food. He's a SLOW eater...really taking his time to savor each bite. He often asks to get down before he's done, but then he likes to pick at his food and carry it with him around the house. So, I've learned that it's best to keep him sitting until he's really finished. But, depending on how late he's gotten up and how long it's taken us to get downstairs, there are some days I confess that I'll let him linger with his waffle while we walk Joshua to school.

The Bean has to be at school by 8:45 so we're bundled up in our full winter gear by 8:40ish to do the two-minute-or-less walk to the school. Ryan always asks to have his hood up and gets highly frustrated when the wind blows it down (even if he's wearing another hat, which I insist on). He HATES gloves and cries when I try to make him wear them. After all, that takes away any part of him being able to suck his thumb, which he doesn't do quite as much as he used to.

Ryan always says "GOOD MORNING!" to the bus patrol man that waits at the corner. He also says hello to the aides that are waiting to direct students. We say goodbye to Joshua and then three days a week we walk back to get our car to take Caleb to school. Ryan is along for the ride. Something that is new recently is that Shawn just changed his seat to be front-facing. Technically we're now supposed to wait until he's two, but the pediatrician told us that a good time to do it is when his legs no longer fit correctly rear-facing and we were at that point. So, I put Ryan in where we can now see each other when I look in my mirror.

We park the car and walk to the very back of the preschool to Caleb's room. Then, depending on which day it is, we head to Universal. Ryan immediately goes to the "big kid" maze area now, and since he's able to climb in and out okay, the workers let him. It still makes me a little nervous, but he seems to LOVE it! And I'm happy that he's enjoying himself while I work out. On days that we're not there, we come home and simply play together during that time. Sometimes we choose to read books, but often we find some toys to play with. He loves to play ball (and he has a rocket arm!), and he's really enjoying puzzles right now. Something else that's new this month is that he's doing better and better at being able to get the puzzle pieces in their spots without help. :)
Ryan is a little man that you can't leave by himself for too long. I was washing my hands one day, and I saw him looking at the potty next to me. I thought nothing of it until he dipped both hands in and began to splash. NO THANKS! I scooted him away and closed the door. He also likes to play with his brothers' spinning toothbrushes and climb the ladder to Joshua's top bunk, not that he ever gets real far with Mama on his heels. But, I stay right with him. He has absolutely no interest in the TV yet, which doesn't afford me much "me" time unless he's napping (which is where he's currently at while I type this).

I'll give Ryan a small mid-morning snack. One of his favorites is round peanut butter crackers. He also started enjoying cheese recently, and he also likes carrots. Eventually it's time to go pick up his brothers from school - Caleb at 11:30 and Joshua at 11:45. If it's a nice day, we walk to get Joshua. If it's bitterly cold and windy or pouring down rain, we will drive and wait in the carpool line since we're already in the car to get Caleb.

Then we eat lunch together. Ryan likes noodles, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, pork, mac & cheese, yogurt, pizza, cookies (of course!) and many other foods. But, he'll usually eat what I give him when it's cut up for him. I have discovered lately that if he doesn't like something, he "drops" it on the floor. While he used to be messy just by the nature of not having a good grip, this has turned into "throw it on the floor while she's not looking." We're starting to discipline for this intentional behavior.
After lunch, we'll read a few books and then I'll put him down for his nap with his froggy blankey and a cup of water.

Most days he takes a two-hour nap (tops, but he sleeps GREAT at night, so I don't fret when he doesn't sleep long in the afternoon). He might help me get some laundry out of the dryer (help meaning he tries to close the door while I'm pulling things out; although every once in awhile he'll actually pull something out and tell me whose it is and what it is). He loves to "help" pull things out of the dishwasher. He will grab the breakable things first, giving me a heart attack and making me scoot him out of the way. Then he grabs the silverware, which is much safer. But he'll open either the silverware drawer or the kitchen utensil/gadget drawer and throw them all in together at the edge (as I'm putting away the breakables in hopes that nothing gets shattered). I do like that he likes to help, so I try to involve him in what I'm doing when I can. He loves to jump on top of the vacuum as we try to run it, and there's nothing that thrills him more than a toilet scrub brush (so I do most of that type of cleaning while he's napping or Daddy is here to help watch him).

Sometimes as I make dinner Ryan will sort through my plastic lid drawer. Other times he'll pull all my pots and pans and tupperware containers out of their doors and cabinets. He loves to get into the spices and pull them out of the pantry. But, most of those things can't hurt him and keep him busy while I'm trying to cook, so I let them be. I was much more strict with Joshua, I fear, than I am with Ryan. My baby loves his older brothers and will sometimes play with them as I'm busy as well. He'll try to snatch Josh's DS or play with an empty Wii wheel. He also enjoys toys and has lots of them to choose from in our office/play room. But, he doesn't like to be alone too much, so he'll often ask to be held "UP PLEASE" and stay right at my feet. I know if he wanders or he's too quiet, he's getting into something he shouldn't be. :) :) :)
Most afternoons starting at 4:30ish, Ryan starts asking for his beloved Dadda. Soon, I remind him. An hour (or more!) later, when we hear Daddy's car pull in the driveway, my little boy SHRIEKS with excitement. He's shaking with joy and literally almost can't contain himself as Shawn opens the door and yells "Hi, baby!" "Daddeeeee!!!" is the response along with "UP PLEASE" and Shawn will drop whatever he has to scoop Ryan in his arms (after he sanitizes his hands, I remind him). They stand there arm in arm for a long time smiling at each other. They are two peas in a pod. The other boys are also thrilled to see Daddy. We eat dinner together most nights at the table and talk about our day to each other. Shawn will ask the boys about school and we'll try to get some parent-type conversation in the mix. Ryan will hold hands for prayers and say amen, and then he dives into his food. He doesn't always eat a lot, but it depends on what we're having.

After dinner, it's always time for PJs as I clean up. Then Shawn plays with the boys awhile before bed. I usually get Ryan into his jammies and try to fight him to brush his teeth (which he HATES with a passion - screams and closes his mouth and acts like we're trying to torture him). Then he "wrestles" a little with Daddy and his brothers before I take him and rock him in his room, reading his favorite books. He'll request his favorites by name and tell me what he's in the mood for. If I pick the wrong one, he'll say "NO!" or if I suggest one he likes, he'll say "Okay!" in the sweetest voice. He'll tell me that he wants to "rock-a-bye you" which I think is cute.

Then I say prayers with him, sing him the "Born to Worship" song and tuck him in bed, wide awake, with his blankey and cup again. He'll suck his right thumb and put his left hand in his hair, which is how he always falls asleep. Then we pray for sweet dreams until we start the next day over again.

Ryan is sharp, I think, and he'll stand on a chair just to look at us and say "SIT DOWN!" because he knows that's coming to him. He will say "thank you" but then follow it with his own "your welcome." He also will say "bless you" after someone sneezes. And he says hello and good morning and good bye to EVERYONE we meet. Most people love his little outgoing spirit, but some ignore him (what is wrong with people that they can't say hi back to a one-year-old?!?!). Most folks, though, smile at his adorable big cheeks and bright blue eyes as he's talking to them. He's not shy at all.
Ryan is highly opinionated and will tell me "MINE" a lot. In fact, today I tried to wipe a booger out of his little nose and he looked at me sharply and said "MINE!" Yuck!!! I had to laugh.

Ryan is not interested in the potty yet; he peed next to it again recently and cried and cried. I felt bad for him. Hopefully soon he makes the connection and decides it's a fun thing. I need to dig out the "big boy undies" in the next size up clothing bin.

I love my strong-willed littlest man. I'm so thankful we chose to have him and add even more joy to our family. Happy 21-months, Ryan Josiah!

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