Thursday, March 21, 2013

Chicks, Bunnies, and Easter!

Last week a package arrived in the mail. It was from Mamaw & Papaw from Florida and had cards in it for the boys for Easter. Ryan also got a little outfit and there was a Curious George coloring book for Caleb. But, what excited the older boys most was gift cards to Chick-Fil-A. What a cute idea! I loved that the "chick" went along with the Easter theme and yet this was a great gift for the holiday! The boys love to eat and play there, and it was a gift for us too to have the gift cards to go! THANKS!!!
Caleb & Joshua played with their cards all night. And then Caleb detached the gift card off from its holder that stores hang them from and he thought he had broken his gift. He BAWLED! Big tears and cries as we tried to reassure him that the gift card was still usable and he didn't really break his gift - it was supposed to come apart. I don't think he believed us, and his little heart was broken.
But we turned that frown upside down when we told him we would go and give it a try! So, Friday night before St. Patrick's Day, we used Caleb's gift card to go and get dinner.
The kids each got happy meals and Shawn & I got our chicken sandwiches. :)
The older boys LOVE to play there, and Ryan was disappointed that I wouldn't let him since it was crowded. But you can see a couple of REALLY old people in the background behind Ryan in the picture below. The old man motioned me over to him and I saw he was wearing a hearing aid (and his walker was nearby). He told me to enjoy my boys - they grow up entirely too fast. I grinned and thanked him, saying I know that these years go fast and I love each one!!!
Shawn also purchased a BBQ sauce for home from there - it is delicious and they sell it in bulk now! We had a fun family night. Thanks for the Easter gift!

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