Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy 6.5 Year Birthday, Bean!

Joshua turned 78 months old - exactly 6.5 years - on Monday, March 18. It was a rainy day and cold, so we waited to get his pictures taken until Wednesday, the first official day of Spring. When the photographer said it was his turn to get pictures by himself (after taking some of all three boys) he gave her the expression above. I LOVE it! That is SO Joshua - full of life and energy and fun!
He also has a great smile, though, too! He has four adult teeth so far, all on the bottom. They are extremely crooked as his mouth isn't big enough for the adult teeth coming in. The dentist said we'll need braces, but he'll need to grow some more before we can even start thinking about them.
Speaking of growing, we bought him a size 8 "bacon" shirt for food week at school. Each child was asked to wear a food shirt, and I found one cheap at Kohl's (which I may have already posted about). I assumed that it might be a little big, but it was the only one I found. It fit him perfectly! I was surprised. He fits size 7 pants well, and the 7/8 shirts that used to be far too huge are now about right. I can't get over how tall he's getting! I had his feet measured, though, and they are still about a size Youth 1. So, he can still wear his sneakers just fine. Mamaw bought him a new coat and a bigger backpack (thanks so much) since both of his things were getting too small. We are SO ready to be done with coats, though, and hoping that it will soon feel like spring.

We just had snow here again on Monday, where I walked Joshua to school and back as the white stuff fell. After lunch, I laid Ryan down for his nap and took the older boys outside to play in it. Joshua actually helped me roll some of the snowman we created and built a little castle beyond just throwing snowballs. They had fun!
I helped out in Joshua's classroom yesterday, and again I'm impressed with how well my little man is doing in school. I ended up helping the kids who were falling behind, and I know how easily the items come to Joshua that these kids were struggling with. I'm glad he enjoys school and making friends! He also loves to go to the gym and "exercise" or play with his friends. He loves physical activity!
Joshua is SO funny! He seriously keeps us laughing, and I wish I would take more time to write down some of the things he says that crack us up. One thing he does is make up his own words. For example, he said "I'm going to go 'skadoosh' over here." We liked it so much that we've been using it. But then he said something about a 'skadoosh bag' that didn't sound so nice to us. Where does he get this stuff? On the other hand, he loves to watch videos of older 'kids' playing video games that show him the shortcuts and how to pass certain levels. And we have to monitor them because some are fine and others don't use the nicest language when they're losing.
Joshua LOVES his electronics - he enjoys playing Wii, iPad, DSi and any games like that. I had a talk with him about moderation, and he seems to understand that playing some is okay and playing too much is not. He reminded me of our video on temptation, which made me realize that he did understand what we were talking about. I'm continually impressed by his recall and how much he gets our talks. He is truly growing!!!
But as much as he is growing, I still look at his face sometimes and realize that he's still so little. We are constantly telling him that he's the oldest, he's the older brother, he needs to set a good example, etc, etc. But, he's still such a little guy with his smile and long eye lashes and an impressionable mind. May we continue to help him as he transforms into a young man! We love him so very much!!!
While Joshua can read on his own, he still enjoys hearing books. He also loves to wrestle, but he enjoys snuggle time too. I love times that we get to play as a family. It's a little hard when Joshua and Ryan are so different in age and abilities. But, the older boys try to be aware of Ryan and help him. When Ryan looks at books, he'll often point to something in the book (like a bigger dog or something he likes) and call it Joshua. I remember the Bean doing that and saying "Daddy!" I love how much the younger boys admire their older brother.
There is more I could write, but this is good for now. Happy 6.5 year birthday, my love!

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