Sunday, July 3, 2011

What?!?! Nuffin!

I so wanted to get a picture of the boys in their basketball outfits, but our little man would have nothing to do with pictures when his big brothers were near that day. Such is life! Caleb also wasn't a big fan of me stopping his play time to get a quick photo. Ah, precious memories!
The boys have taken to playing a game where they say "Mommy, Mommy, guess what?" When I ask "what?" they respond with "NOTHING!" and laugh and laugh and laugh. The first time we heard them, we also cracked up. Silly gooses! Then Daddy said 'chicken butt' which we've been trying to un-teach them. They love silly games! When he got out of the bath the other night, Caleb put his hooded towel on and started crawling on the floor, telling us that he was a turtle. Again, we had to laugh at his creativity. Then Joshua became a frog (I think just to be able to jump over him) and then became Tiddilick the Frog who drank up all the water (thankfully we had already let the bath water go down the drain!). I love their silly games. This is a fun stage!
I also love the boys' interaction with each other. Joshua was tracing letters and trying to show an uninterested-at-the-moment-Caleb how it's done. He said "See, Caleb?" Caleb responded, "Josh, that's not a 'C' - that's a 'B!'" Joshua said "What? No no no." I giggled. Indeed, Caleb was correct but that wasn't what Joshua had meant. So funny (at least at the time...).

So much more to blog about...not enough time with my hand free! Enjoy for now!

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