Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ryan's 1-month well-check

On Tuesday, July 12, Ryan had a doctor's appointment at 9:40 am with Dr. Krak. Grandpa Georgia agreed to come and watch the older two boys, thankfully. I waited in the 'well' room for over 45 minutes before complaining that it was almost time for him to eat again, so they took us back into a room. But, Dr. Krak didn't come for almost another half an hour. He explained he had a complicated patient, and the nurse told me that he was delivering EKG results before coming into me. So, I must say that I'm glad it wasn't us with the emergency. On the other hand, I'm baffled that an operation as large as Roseville Pediatrics doesn't have other doctors step in when patients have been waiting that long. I specifically said I didn't care who we saw - I just wanted to be seen! Ryan was all but eating his arm off until the doctor showed up. Grrr... And I live less than two minutes from there. If they would have called (or even told me when I arrived) that it would have been well over an hour, I would have gone later. But, eventually we got seen by the doctor. And Ryan isn't my first child but this is the first time we've ever waited that long.

Ryan's STATS are as follows:
Height: 22" - 77.08%
Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz - 67.84%
BMI: 14.93
Head Circumference: 14.65"
The doctor said the lump on Ryan's body is simply from my pregnancy hormones and will go away - praise God! However, he also looked at Ryan's eyesight for well over 20 minutes (and I knew that he was already running late). I explained that I'm not sure our little guy focuses well. He turned off the lights and moved a flashlight around to see if Ryan would follow the light. He did sometimes but not many of the times. He turned the lights back on and continued to move around. Then all he said was "I think you'll see vast improvement within the next month." My heart sank that I wasn't sure that was a great diagnosis; on the other hand, he didn't send us for more tests and seemed to think the baby was okay. Please pray that Ryan's vision is amazing! He's still not focusing, but he will follow us at times and smiles at us. But I wonder if it's at sounds or the actual picture of us. Shawn says I worry too much. Trust me, if there was ever a time that I hope that I'm wrong about something, this is it.
Ryan slept in his crib for the first time that night. And he did well - praise God! We've moved him back to our room after I got injured, but that's for another post. I was so proud of him for sleeping in between feedings in his big boy crib - he loves the new little frog that makes noise and lights up the room with stars and a moon (thanks, Chris & Lisa!). His big brothers love it, too! They want one for their room, and they want to play with Ryan's toy all the time. But, having something so sweet gave me the confidence to leave him in his room by himself. Hopefully we can get back to that routine.

Ryan has been eating every two hours on the dot, but I've been working on stretching it out. Now he'll go 2.5 hours between feedings and 3 hours between eating overnight (with me holding him off). He's obviously gaining weight and doing well. I love my little guy! And isn't this robe he's wearing in the pictures adorable? I know I already posted about his first smile, but that afternoon (Wednesday, July 13) my friend Valerie (yes, spelled just like my name) came with her kids Ethan, Allana and Everett and brought over a lasagna to eat and presents for the baby included a frog hooded towel set, this adorable robe and a changing pad cover that matches our nursery. We had a fun time visiting and the kids enjoyed playing together. I thought the gifts for the baby were also sweet. I am thankful for the dear friends who have blessed us after the birth of our final son. I think he looks so cute in this little robe after his bath. :)

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