Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 1-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

I truly can't believe it's been an entire month since Ryan was born. It has literally flown by! It feels like just yesterday that we were snuggling together skin-to-skin in the hospital, and yet we've been home for a few weeks now.
At this point, Ryan has been eating every two hours, but just this past week we started stretching it to between two-and-a-half to three hours between feedings. This makes a HUGE difference in how much I can accomplish in one day. He has nights where he sleeps a couple hours between feedings now, too, and then there are other nights where he cries to be held. But, I know with how fast this past month has gone, the time of this stage will fly by. I don't want to miss out on my snuggle time with my last child. So, I just try to remember that when I'm exhausted and I hear his cry in the middle of the night.
The boys are intrigued by their baby brother and both are extremely sweet to him. Joshua will tell him it's okay when he cries, and both boys will give him gentle kisses when I say it's okay.
Daddy stepped on the scale and then got on again with baby Ryan, and it registered 11 pounds. Now, Ryan was in his PJs but it will be interesting to see what he weighs at his doctor's appointment on Tuesday! I always wonder if he's still hungry, but I guess he's eating enough. Mamaw pointed out his little double chin so I guess he's growing!
Joshua loved the above photo of Ryan, noting his little bum. I too think it's precious. I took the boys to get pictures for Ryan's 1-month birthday and Caleb's 3-year birthday (along with some shots of the boys all together). I thought the gal did a great job! Ryan slept through most of the session, which was better than him being upset.
I love my sweet little boy and his little hands and soft little feet! And although there are times when I wish I could put him down to get things done, I do enjoy holding him.
Ryan is also extremely strong, I think. He can already roll from his back to his side and seems to prefer to sleep on his side. I always start him on his back, but he rarely stays that way. He hates to be put down anywhere - even things that my other boys LOVED like the swing or the bouncy seat. But, I think part of that is just his size. I'm hoping that as he grows he'll enjoy them more. He also will sleep in his car seat, but only after he's been moving for awhile....a long while.
Happy 1-month birthday, my little schnookie! I love you very much!

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